Electric Boats: Eco-friendly, Electric Variants to Gain Major Market Share in 2019

The global shift towards sustainable automotive alternatives is triggered several innovations in numerous sectors. The bolstering ‘green’ initiatives are further fueling the demand for electrified automotive fleet. Electric boats are amongst such green automotive alternatives gaining traction in the boating industry and are capturing popularity over time. Manufacturers are witnessing a surging demand for electric boats from commercial operators across the globe, requesting a range of applications for electric boats that are yet to be anticipated by producers of electric boats. Owing to this, they are ramping up production of electric boats to supply this demand growth. Conventional boat manufacturers are also focusing on the production of electric boats to reduce the carbon footprint and cater to the changing consumer preferences.

Innovative Electric Boats to Replace Conventional Boats on a Large-Scale

The electric boats are being greatly preferred by end-users over the conventional diesel and gasoline powered boats that are contributing to the rising pollution. Eco-friendly electric boats address the needs for alternative energy powered boats, hence, attracting a large consumer base. Various manufacturers are launching new and advanced electric boats that cater to various needs.

For instance, Templar Marine Group Ltd. launched its first plug-in electric boat for the North American market. This electric boat, called the Templar Cruiser 26 is specially designed for the pleasure craft market in the region. Claimed to be one of the largest electric boats for recreational purpose, this electric boat is completely electric and eco-friendly having features such minimal noise and maintenance, and the boat is ideal for year-round boating. Moreover, the innovative design and absence of fuel tank and the internal combustion engines, make it a very lightweight electric boat.

Apart from the recreational application areas, other electric boat producers are also witnessing demand for electric boats from other potential avenues. Manufacturers are extending the capabilities of electric boats by producing application-specific electric boats for this purpose. The pump-out boats that pull up to other boats to empty their waste tank into its holding tank and unload the waste into sewer lines are also being innovated. Connecticut witnessed the launch of a revolutionary electric boat, the electric pump-out boat, which is the claimed to the only one-of-its-kind. Equipped with Torqeedo electric engines powered by the solar panels on its console, this first-ever electric pump-out boat will be used to pump sewage from Branford River and Branford Harbor boats. Such electric boats embrace the idea of clean air and water, energy efficiency, innovative application of technology and a healthier marine manufacturing economy.

Indonesian eco-friendly resorts are also eyeing on launching electric boats as a crucial contribution to protect the bio-diverse ecosystem underwater. For instance, the new eco dive resort in Raja Ampat, electrified its dive boats with the launch of the electric boat. Although not completely eco-friendly, the resort plans to work on charging the boats with the help of solar energy, which they are conventionally using to power most of the resort.

Solar-Powered Hybrid boats to Gain Major Consumer Attraction

Hybrid boats are powered by solar energy, owing to which they are emerging as a popular alternative on account of the zero-emission attributes of these boats. Moreover, the hybrid boats are also being preferred for being lightweight owing to the deployment of solar panels. Apart from these features, enhancements such as noise reductions are also boosting the demand for these type of electric boats. Revolutionary technologies such as the new Hybrid boating technology by Volva, which would allow boats to be operated with both electric power as well as diesel in parallel that would be available commercially in 2021, are expected to boost several developments in the boating industry.

Solar powered boats are gaining major significance across the globe. For instance, a solar-powered boat was demonstrated in India’s Dal Lake, which was designed by a team of students and can run after being charged through solar energy. The government further looks forward to implementing solar-powered electric boats for the purpose of reducing pollution.

The burgeoning demand for sustainable transport has been a key growth driver for the overall electric boats landscape. The detailed electric boats landscape study offers a detailed overview of the electric boats market.

Food Manufacturers Bullish on Investing in Phycocyanin-Powdered Products in 2019

Increasing number of joint ventures in phycocyanin market is expected to provide a better and fully developed phycocyanin, thereby introducing new ingredients in the global market. Healthy growth of phycocyanin market is anticipated for 2019 with rapid surge in demand for the natural products from across the globe. Nowadays, growing inclination of consumers towards the natural products is witnessed, on account of rising awareness regarding harmful effects of the synthetic compounds. This in turn has resulted in extensive research on the microalgae, as major source of natural pigments, thereby fuelling growth of phycocyanin market worldwide.

Launch of New Product with Phycocyanin Extracts to Enhance Milk Production

A Turkish biotechnology institute recently launched MilkBoost-19, a nanotechnologic (herbal and natural) spray for increasing milk production. This product is formed with nanocapsulated extracts of phycocyanin, astaxanthin, ocimum sanctum, alchemilla, trigonella foenum-graecum, cuminum cyminum and Actaea racemosa L. It helps in provoking the oxytocin hormone, thereby stimulating nasal nerves, resulting in increased prolactin benefitting in higher milk production. Most of all, the product also helps in enhancing the quality and fat content in milk, thereby reducing the required feed amount.

Re-Launch of Spirulina-Fortified Water to Enhance Offerings Based on Phycocyanin

A French startup invested heavily in R&D and now is re-launching its Spirulina-fortified water with improved stability and taste of that is extremely temperature sensitive and most of all, any change in desired environmental conditions could destroy the entire phycocyanin-based product. Springwave is highly beneficial for the customers as it offers higher content of minerals, vitamins and phycocyanin, thereby making it an exclusive antioxidant-rich drinking water, holding immense revitalizing properties as well.

New Clinical Trial Reveals Phycocyanin Benefitting Obese Individuals

A new clinical trial in Mexico recently revealed, growing consumption of arthrospira maxima along with systematic physical exercise significantly benefitting in greater weight loss, thereby reducing time for reaching fatigue as well as onset of the lactate development in blood. Dietary supplements formulated with algae (Spirulina) is likely to witness growing consumption in US with surging demand for juices, energy bars and smoothies. Wide-ranging variety of phytonutrients such as phycocyanin that are rich in protein content are gaining significant traction amongst the obese individuals since the recent past.

Development of Phycocyanin Powder in Canada to Enhance Nutritional Benefits

Booster Juice Ltd., manufacturer of smoothies and fresh juice in Canada recently introduced phycocyanin powder in its product portfolio of innovative and advanced health food products. The company has taken immense efforts in blending smoothies with phycocyanin powder, benefitting its customer-base with anti-inflammatory properties and nutritional benefits including Vitamin B and most of all, is appealing to the vegans and vegetarians who lack nutrients in their diets. This initiative is also a part of food trend in North America that is fast gaining grounds in the plant-based source products.

New Research Finds Phycocyanin Inspiring Modern Solar Technology

Scientists recently took a deep-dive on proteins and discovered a well-known protein, phycocyanin being highly responsible for accumulating solar energy in the cyanobacteria, thereby holding significant for oxygen production as well. This ability of phycocyanin can further help in developing cutting-edge and smart solar technologies that can cater to the challenges faced by existing solar technologies regarding adapting to the fluctuating climatic conditions. This research holds possibilities for the solar devices that can convert solar energy with higher efficiency such as the flexible, smart and bio-inspired solar panels might not need regular cleaning and perfect sunny weather for attaining higher efficiency.

Joint Ventures in U.S. to Stimulate Production of Phycocyanin

Production cost of Spirulina microalgae, parent product of phycocyanin is very economical in U.S. However, phycocyanin pigments are likely to find growing applications in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, food supplements as well as dietary supplements including milk shakes, sweet cake decoration, desserts, alcoholic drinks, chewing gum, soft drinks, ice-creams and fermented milk products. Dietary supplements manufacturing companies in the U.S. are taking immense efforts in entering into joint ventures for enhancing their capabilities and to develop synergistic partnership. For example, recently Valensa International, manufacturer of dietary ingredients based in Florida with EID Parry, its parent company have announced a new JV (joint venture) with Synthite Industries Ltd., oleoresin extraction business in India. This JV is inclusive of Million dollar investment for developing a new plant, in order to extract Parry Organic Spirulina for producing phycocyanin that Valensa would be developing for medical foods, functional foods and dietary supplements.

To avail more information regarding the developments and researches in phycocyanin market, click here.

Shocking Orthopaedic Prosthetics Application Discovery Takes India by Storm

Vast advances in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) technology as well as material science have stimulated growth and development in orthopaedic prosthetics market. Manufacturers of orthopaedic prosthetics are planning to take 3D-printing to a whole new level by catering to the needs of end-users for daily wear, sports and even models, which can fit in high heels. Advancements in materials and technology have enabled prostheses towards better mimic human form as well as function compared to earlier times. In addition, improvements are made in the sockets as well, with the help of computer-aided fabrication methods, in a bid to improve comfort level and fit for the patient.

3D-Printed Orthopaedic Prosthetics to Revolutionize Knee Surgery

Growing emphasis on the physical sports, increasing number of road accidents and rising demand for replacement of the older orthopaedic prosthetics with durable and lighter materials is likely to compliment the need for customized and 3-D printed orthopaedic prosthetics. In addition, increasing availability of orthopaedic prosthetics that provide enhanced functionality and customization is expected to stimulate demand for orthopaedic prosthetics in the developed markets. For example,

A double amputee and wheelchair-bound Emirati recently benefitted with 3D-printed transtibial orthopaedic prosthetics, first in UAE. The person survived on wooden orthopaedic prosthetics (legs) for more than 15years and now is extremely benefitted with customized orange 3D orthopaedic prosthetics. The all-new 3D-printed orthopaedic prosthetics offers enhanced functionality, comfort levels and stability.

New 3D-printed orthopaedic prosthetics programs are likely to hold potential for improving lives of millions of patients suffering from knee problems. Some organizations in France are taking immense efforts in developing advanced orthopaedic prosthetics knee joints with the help of 3D printing technology, thereby catering to the demand for innovative artificial knee joint designs with development of new approach for production of orthopaedic prosthetics.

Increasing number of baby boomers are expected to drive growth and development of orthopaedic prosthetics in 2019. As in West Africa, a child is benefitted with 3D-printed orthopaedic prosthetics (brace) for right leg that was paralyzed due to a car accident. 3D-printed orthopaedic prosthetics has benefitted the child with fast-track and customization, thereby compensating for paralysis issue. Developing countries where demand is high but social safety net is smaller, these 3D printed orthopaedic prosthetics will witness traction in 2019.

Orthopaedic Prosthetics to Benefit Wild Animals and Birds

Surging number of cases related to chronic conditions and orthopedic injuries resulting in the bone-related deformities stimulates demand for orthopedic prosthetics. Recently, wild animal such as tiger and a bird (hawk) were benefitted with orthopaedic prosthetics, offering them a new life all-together. For example,

An international team of surgeons and veterinary doctors have brought orthopaedic prosthetics usage to a whole new level by developing an artificial paw for an Indian tiger for the very first time. The animal needs orthopaedic prosthetics for its front left paw and requires amputation of swollen bones or nerves for pain relief. Orthopaedic prosthetics will be implanted on the amputed limb in the initial stage of treatment followed by 3D printing design of left limb.

Apart from this, recently a hawk received orthopaedic prosthetics bone anchor that now helps the bird with full grip, thereby enabling its talon in lifting anything.

Enhanced Orthopaedic Prosthetics Design to Eliminate Existing Wear and Tear Challenges

Since the recent past, orthopedic prosthetics market has witnessed notable developments in the production and designing technologies. The new products hold an enhanced level of usability and comfort with growing resistance to tear and wear of the products. Recently, for knee and hip replacements, new prosthesis designs were developed by a new manufacturing cell. Polymotion Hip Resurfacing is the new concept that is likely to cater to the growing challenges faced based on product performance, thereby causing patients with significant issues. The approach to hip resurfacing is expected to provide significant benefits to the surgeons as well as patients that are likely to receive implants at relatively young age. The new R&D cell identified highly cross-linked polyethylene along with porous coating, delivering ideal characteristics for usage in hip resurfacings.

Innovative 3D-Printed Orthopaedic Prosthetics Launched with Medical Certification

A robotics company lately launched world’s first ever medically certified 3D-printed artificial arms beneficial for amputees. The wearable orthopaedic prosthetics is likely to cater to the needs of pediatric landscape, thereby enabling every age of patients benefitting from the custom-fit orthopaedic prosthetic arms. Expandable and compressible sockets in the innovative orthopaedic prosthetics helps in delivering comfortable fit in the varying environmental conditions.

For more information on the exclusive developments and innovations in orthopaedic prosthetics market, click here.

Automotive Repair and Maintenance Services: Robotic Bugs and Snakes at Your Service Now!

Evolving attitude of average customers towards vehicular safety along with increasing reliance on the road transportation for plethora of activities are taken up as the two lucrative and powerful enablers of automotive repair and maintenance services market growth. Apart from this, rapidly increasing sales of used cars across several developing regions helps in further stimulating demand for automotive repair and maintenance services.

Development of New Robot Bugs and Snakes Enhancing Automotive Repair and Maintenance Services

Ripping apart engines of road vehicles and planes for diagnosing and fixing issues is expected to be a time-consuming and expensive procedure. In a bid to cater to such issues, a luxury automaker and engineering company has developed an innovative idea for dealing with hard-to-reach places with the help of insect and snake-inspired robotics. In addition, robotics are expected to pave ways for revolution in automotive repair and maintenance services, especially with regards to engines. The pair of snakes are flexible enough for travelling through the engines, in order to fix patch repairs to the dented thermal barrier coatings. With the help of these robotics, even the critical vehicle parts can be repaired, thereby causing no further damage to the vehicle.

Apart from this, the luxury automotive repair and maintenance services market player has developed miniature robots benefitting in plane maintenance, inspired by the insect swarms. Most of all, the insect robotics consist of tiny cameras that delivers visual feeds in real-time for operators. The miniature robots also helps in minimizing the costs and time related to removal of aircraft engines.

Over-The-Air Updates to Take a Major Leap in Automotive Repair and Maintenance Services

On a broader perspective, some trending opportunities in automotive repair and maintenance services market are

  • Collaborations between the small and locally owned leasing firms as well as repair shops.
  • Growing inclination towards the adoption of remote vehicle diagnostics system

However, locally owned repair shops have been strategically focusing on attaining huge repair and maintenance contracts with the insurance firms, fleet owners and leasing firms, in order to expand their market share as well as profits. Increased reliability is offered by means of remote diagnostics system and on-call assistance. For example, automakers are taking immense efforts in rolling out automotive repair and maintenance services for remotely fixing faulty vehicles. Some of the leading automotive repair and maintenance services market players are planning to develop models by 2020 that would enable OTA (Over-The-Air) updates, thereby upgrading the vehicle with all-new features as well as remotely fixes faulty vehicle software. Companies such as Tesla are contributing significantly towards upgradation of vehicles by availing remote diagnostics system. Hassle-free and time saving procedures are the benefits end-users can reap with the OTA repair and maintenance services.

Online Platforms to Beef Up Automotive Repair and Maintenance Services

Beepbeep.ph, online hassle-free automotive repair and maintenance services app is targeted towards motorists, helping them in addressing all the requirements of their vehicle in the most time-saving and effective way. The online hassle-free automotive repair and maintenance services app offers preventive maintenance services as the end-user just has to look for preferred car shop in the app, book appointment and the company drivers will thereafter take care of the pick-up and drop back services. Most of all, this innovative app offers customer convenience, thereby bringing reliance and quality-of-work to the customers.

Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Automotive Repair and Maintenance Services

Development of artificial intelligence based automotive repair and maintenance services is likely to benefit Openbay Company running online services for automotive repair and maintenance services. Openbay.com is striving for enhancing interactions of consumers across the messaging and mobile apps, social platforms and websites, which drives the need for predictive analytics, machine learning and natural-language processing. The company further will be expanding its offerings globally, with the help of heavy funding.

In order to acquire further insights on development and how online platforms are trending in automotive repair and maintenance services market, click here.

Advanced Automated Guided Vehicles Could Define Material Handling Processes Future

The modern warehouses and industries demand next-gen material handling equipment and solutions that not only help in reducing labor cost but also help in achieving environmental efficiency. This is why the automated guided vehicle is becoming an ideal choice for industrial sectors. A conventional automated guided vehicle is being redesigned to address the transforming requirements, backed by technological advancements. A modern automated guided vehicle is, therefore, expected to offer improved scalability, reliability, and high performance.

Utilizing Green Energy to Power Next-gen Automated Guided Vehicle

Leading industries and production facilities are opting for green technology to foster their goal of achieving environmental efficiency by reducing environmental footprint. The choice of industrial equipment and machinery for modern plants and sites is heavily relying on the green energy factor. Konecranes Gottwald, a recognized provider of mobile harbor cranes and automated guided vehicle recently supplied 25 units of a lithium-ion battery powered automated guided vehicle to Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) Container Terminal Altenwerder (CTA), replacing CTA’s existing first-generation automated guided vehicle which was powered by diesel. These automated guided vehicles are unmanned and controlled through software, providing efficiency between the stack yard and harbor quay in large container terminals. The lithium-ion technology enables faster charging and the use of green energy helps in transporting containers between a yard and the ships without the emission of harmful gases, thereby boosting sustainability at the workplace.

Aluminum Production Industry to Benefit from the New Product

Mobile and stationary equipment manufacturer, Mecfor introduced one of its most innovative products, an automated guided vehicle designed wholly designed to cater to the aluminum production industry across the world. Designed to facilitate in complex environments, this new automated guided vehicle overrides challenges such as temperature variation, dust, magnetic fields, and continual worker interactions. Mecfor was able to position itself for next-gen aluminum refineries with this technological investment and open new opportunities for the development of similar equipment. Moreover, this all-new cutting-edge automated guided vehicle would also reduce the ecological footprints of production plants.

Application-Specific Requirements to Fuel Innovations

The demand for application-specific equipment and machines are driving robust innovations in the automated guided vehicle landscape. The demand for unmanned guided vehicle systems is expected to reflect a significant demand specifically from the freezer storage warehouses. Finding workers to function in the freezer and chilled environments have been challenging. Such situations are triggering new innovations in the automated guided vehicle ecosystem. Owing to this, a provider of integrated automated technology, services, and software, Dematic released a new freezer-rated narrow aisle reach automated guided vehicle system, which is designed for operating autonomously in freezer and chilling environments. While the manually operated automated guided vehicle systems witnessed workers taking breaks due to the freezing conditions, this new automated guided vehicle can operate constantly for transporting products in cold conditions.

Boosting the Competence of Automated Guided Vehicle with New Investments

The automated guided vehicle landscape has witnessed several developments in terms of bolstering investments, portfolio expansions, and others that are aimed at enhancing the capabilities of automated guided vehicles. For instance, the SSI SCHAEFER, a leading provider of products for the material handling products, expanded its product portfolio in the futuristic segment with an investment in DS AUTOMOTION, an automotive guided vehicle specialist. This collaboration was aimed at meeting the burgeoning demand for the automated guided vehicle. This investment would support the SSI SCHAEFER’s expansion of their automated guided vehicle portfolio and further increase their market coverage. Furthermore, the company aims to boost their focus on handling specific tasks of transporting and lifting with the automated guided vehicle systems by combining their intralogistics solutions expertise with DS AUTOMOTION’s customized device configurations expertise.

Automated Guided Vehicle with Laser Technology Integration Facilitate Precision

Laser technology remains a crucial driver for the automated guided vehicle landscape. The laser guidance enabled automated guided vehicle solutions deliver high-level precision as they successfully detect fixed reference points and offer flexible and dynamic control. Manufacturers are aiming at offering laser integrated automated guided vehicle to offer their clients with next-level handling solutions.

There are several opportunities anticipated across the automated guided vehicle market for manufacturers. To avail an insightful overview of the other such developments in the automated guided vehicle market, click here.

Beverages Manufacturers Upping their Sustainability Quotient with PET Preforms

PET is frequently utilized for packaging a wide range of products that include peanut butter, beverages, frozen foods, bakery goods, cosmetics, and others. Valued for a number of attributes including lightweight, robustness, thermo-stability, cost-effectiveness, transparency, shatter-resistance and recyclability, PET is a superior choice for the packaging sector. PET preforms, prepared by PET material are being used for producing PET products and can be molded in the desired shape. PET preforms are gaining popularity as they transform the process of PET manufacturing and offer substantial benefits including flexibility, environmental efficiency, operational efficiency, and cost.

The beverage sector is expected to create major demand for PET preforms. Manufacturers of PET preforms are witnessing majority demand growth for PET preforms owing to the continual consumption of bottled beverages in the developing as well as developed economies. Moreover, the PET preforms landscape is also expected to be highly influenced by the technological developments that are expected to facilitate better production.

Minimizing Carbon Footprint Remains Crucial Sustainability Goal

While the production of PET preforms rises, the increasing environmental issues associated with PET production, that increases the emission of carbon have triggered alarming concerns across the manufacturers. Owing to these, the PET preforms manufacturers are making efforts to reduce the overall carbon footprint. In line with these efforts, the rPlanet Earth, a green tech company launched a new plant in California for making PET preforms for their application in the beverage industry along with thermoforms for ready-to-eat foods. As rPlanet Earth focus on reducing the carbon footprint, they aim at minimizing the intermediate transportation steps that create greenhouse gas emissions. By taking the process from materials to PET preforms and thermoforms under one roof, the company is able to reduce the overall carbon footprint. Similar efforts were taken by Suntory Holdings, a leading beverage company, who introduced a new technology for the production of PET preforms for soft drink bottles. The new technology is claimed to reduce carbon emission by nearly 25 percent.

PET recycling Trending

PET has been a popular choice in the packaging sector owing to its attributes, one of which is the highly recyclable property. The PET recycling trend is gaining major significance over time. Manufacturers are utilizing completely recycled PET for the production of PET preforms as they boost environmental sustainability and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. This has given rise to increasing investments in the recycling space. Leading companies operating in the PET preforms landscape are also focusing on this trend. The globally recognized plastics manufacturer, ALPLA-Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG, in collaboration with Texplast, have bolstered PET recycling with the new extrusion facility at a Germany-based Texplast site, with an aim to increase the recycling capacity for food-safe PET regranulate. Texplast would recycle returnable goods attained from the food retail sector, transforming them into food-safe and high-quality granulate that Alpla would use to produce PET preforms for PET beverage bottles.

PET Preform Demand Grows and So does Production Capacities

Krones AG, a provider of blow molding and packaging machines acquired the injecting molding tools and services specialist, MHT Holding Ag, with an aim to reinforce its PET offerings. The acquisition enables Krones to provide tools for manufacturing PET preforms, thereby filling the gaps in its value chain. The increasing demand for PET preforms has been triggering various developments in the landscape. Companies are strengthening their PET portfolio with the help of acquisition strategies.

PET preforms manufacturers focus at continual production expansions owing to the increasing consumer demand. To know more about various other developments and strategies laid by leading PET preforms providers, click here.

Boosting Engine and Fuel Efficiency with Next-gen Automotive Turbochargers

With the vast advancements reflected by the automotive sector, high-level efficiency and productivity in the automotive application are far more achievable. As the automotive turbochargers help in increasing the power output of the automotive engines by enabling increased air intake to the powertrain’s combustion chamber, automotive turbochargers are gaining major significance over time. Furthermore, automotive turbochargers are both efficient and eco-friendly owing to their capability of increasing engine power without the increase in piston displacement. In addition, the companies operating in the automotive turbochargers landscape are focusing on achieving greater fuel economy, emission control, and downsizing of automotive engines.

Compliance to Stringent Emission Laws to Remain a Crucial Factor

The stringent regulations pertaining to the emission of gases levied on automotive vehicles have been augmenting the growth of the automotive turbochargers landscape. The substantial transformations in regulatory laws in developed nations are expected to influence future developments in the automotive turbochargers landscape. The California Air Resources Board (CARB), the emission regulator in both aftermarket and OEM avenues, issued an Executive Order that stated the turbocharging of all forms on gasoline engines will be considered as non-compliant to the stringent emission laws of the state. These orders that will be coming in effect from April 1, 2019, are not just applicable for aftermarket automotive turbochargers but also OEM automotive turbochargers. With the evolutions reflected by modern automotive turbochargers owing to the technological advancements, the OEM and aftermarket automotive turbochargers would now be able to make compliance with these emission regulations, while not compromising on producing immense power and boosting the driving experience.

New Automotive Turbochargers Exhibit Quick Response Time

There is an increasing deployment of automotive turbochargers in the gasoline engines, which has created major demand for the product. Furthermore, the proliferating technological developments with respect to boosting the engine performance have given rise to new innovations. BorgWarner, an automotive component manufacturer, backed with its expertise in engine boosting technology, developed a dual volute turbocharger that is well-designed to deliver quick-response time for light-duty vehicles that require exceptional transient behavior.

While this new addition to the automotive turbochargers portfolio of BorgWarner is expected to help the company expand its future capabilities, the company has also introduced the new EFR Series automotive turbochargers that are designed to address the high-power needs and recognized for its performance and reliability, owing to the combination of enhanced technologies. The company has reflected a major focus on enhancing its capabilities of these automotive turbochargers to cater to the ever-growing automotive landscape.

Manufacturers Aim at Addressing Improved Efficiency Requirements

Manufacturers of automotive turbochargers are focused on addressing the demand for fuel and engine efficiency created by the automotive domain. On account of this, leading companies producing automotive turbochargers are bringing new innovations. Cummins Turbo Technologies, a company focused on producing medium to heavy-duty diesel engine automotive turbochargers, has brought effective innovations to boost the efficiency and performance of the commercial heavy-duty wastegate turbochargers. The company has utilized a revolutionary approach that has resulted in the enhancing the efficiency of automotive turbochargers to about 6 percent and the fuel efficiency to 1.5 percent. While innovating on the offerings of automotive turbochargers, the company aimed several developments on the turbocharger turbine, including mixed flow turbocharger, improvements on the compressors, and the turbocharger diffuser.

Apart from staying in compliance with the regulatory norms, the manufacturers of automotive turbochargers also aim at leveraging the opportunities slated by the automotive turbochargers landscape. To know more about the strategic developments carried out by leading providers, click here.

Landscape Beautification Demands to Increase Underwater Light Sales

The advent of underwater activities and the burgeoning use of light for enhancing the experience underwater have collectively boosted the consumer demand for underwater light. Moreover, the increasing underwater sports activities, underwater examinations, defense programs, and other such factors are increasing fostering the demand growth for underwater light. Owing to these variable and distinct underwater requirements underwater light manufacturers are making use of next-generation technology to produce versatile underwater light solutions that not only deliver high-level functionality but also provide enhanced durability. The underwater light solutions are further improved with their integration with several accessories such as cameras, drones, and others.

Newly Launched Underwater Light to Lighten Ponds and Fountains

Along with the marine sector requirements, the non-marine sector is also creating vast demands. The aesthetics play a major role in the modern lifestyle where consumers demand effective lighting solutions that add zest to their ponds, pools, or fountains. Owing to this, various companies manufacturing underwater light market innovate in their product offerings. WAC Landscape Lighting, for instance, a leading provider of ground-breaking lightening and underwater light solutions, introduced a new LED Underwater Spot, which is designed for wet environments including fountains, ponds, and others with up to three feet underwater depth. The cast brass construction and continuous underwater immersion of the new underwater light is factory sealed as a watertight luminaire which delivers longer durability.

Innovative Next-Gen Flexibility to Attract Consumer Attention

While there are several underwater light solutions available in the market, companies are constantly working towards differentiating in the product portfolio to attract consumer attention while offering state-of-the-art solutions that cater to the futuristic demands. Two such future requirements are lightweight design and flexibility. The constant efforts of light manufacturers revolve around reducing the weight of the product while delivering effective light. Similar developments were carried out by the Korean lighting company, Profound that aimed at raising the capabilities of flexible panel lighting to a higher level, with their new product. The new ultra-thin flexible lights called ProFlex are LED lights that are thin enough to be foldable and portable. Above all, these next-generation lights can be completely submerged in water, thereby opening new opportunistic avenues for the underwater light landscape.

New Photo-Video Underwater Light for Effective Underwater Application

As the application-specific needs are resulting in the integration of underwater light with other accessories such as video recorders and cameras, companies are enhancing their portfolio to cater to these needs. For instance, SeaLife, a company offering easy and effective solutions for capturing underwater pictures in a simplified manner, recently introduced a new product for the same purpose in a more effective way. A new type of underwater light by SeaLife, the Sea Dragon 3000 Lumen Auto Underwater Photo-Video Light is claimed to be the most powerful product in that size class. The product features include auto brightness, red LED’s for night diving, and a flash detect. The Sea Dragon 3000 Lumen delivers 3,000 lumens that provide 300 lumens with a wide beam angle of 90 degrees underwater.

To gain more insights regarding the future scope of the underwater light market, click here.

Tubular Motors Landscape: Demand Grows for Energy-Efficient with State-of-the-art Technology

Tubular motors are designed to cater application-specific and they are rectangular or tubular in design. Tubular motors find their application in various sectors and are commonly used for carrying out window and door movements in the household as well as commercial setup. Tubular motors enable gentle and precise movement of these devices, as they consist of electric drives and soft brake, making it possible to integrate slow speed, mainly required for softer movements of blinds. Tubular motors further ensure less noise development and protect the closing of windows and doors. Apart from these, the tubular motors play a crucial role in the functioning of projection screens and exterior screens and blinds.

Reducing Energy Costs with the Deployment of Tubular Motors

Modern-day customers are opting for highly efficient tubular motors that ensure better productivity and offer long-term performance. Companies operating in the tubular motors landscape are continually focusing on delivering high-efficiency tubular motors. Similar efforts were taken by ANCA Motion, the designer and manufacturer of flexible control systems and a specialist in high precision solutions for CNC machines, recently introduced new tubular motors for CNC applications. The new LinX M-series linear motor is an all new addition in the tubular motors landscape. This product is highly energy efficient and provider high-precision for CNC applications. According to the company, using linear tubular motors in place of pneumatic cylinder helps in cutting energy costs, thereby helping end-user to achieve a shorter payback period.

New Tubular Motors Boost State-of-the-Art Automation in Exterior Screens

With the advent of smart technology and automation in modern infrastructures has majorly boosted the demand for window screens. Sophisticated homes and business buildings are increasingly adopting these automated screens to attain resistance to wind, minimize light penetration, and other such needs. The use of tubular motors is significantly rising for the operations related to exterior screens. Owing to this, manufacturers focus on developing new solutions that address the demand growth. A globally recognized manufacturer of tubular motors for their application in the interior as well as exterior window coverings, Somfy Systems, Inc., introduced a new motor that acts as a smart solution for exterior screens. The new motor in the tubular motors market, Maestria 50 RTS motor, comes with an easy installation, offering high-end functionalities for zip screens that include automatic adjustment and obstacle detection.

Precision and Dynamics to Remain a Crucial Factor for Consumers

Apart from household space, the tubular motors are an effective solution in other sectors too. Sectors such as packaging demand solutions that deliver state-of-the-art precision and skills to suit the tedious process, while still delivering great performance. Companies find this as a great opportunity for expanding their portfolio.

An automation technology manufacture, Beckoff unveiled its new ironless tubular motor, AA2518, which is an innovative motor that is capable of performing exceptionally smooth translatory movements, without having the need to deploy any mechanical component.  This product meets the highest dynamics and precision requirements, ideally applicable in machine tool sector or packaging industry.

To attain key finding regarding tubular motors market, click here.

Top 3 Colorimeter Innovations: Portable, Accurate, and Ergonomically Designed

The testing equipment landscape has witnessed several transformations over the year. This has been greatly supported by the ongoing technological developments and incorporation of cutting-edge technologies. The colorimeter device is used significantly for determining the concentration of the solution to benchmark the quality. Consisting of colored filters, filament lamp, cuvette, outer meter, a photo resistor, and others, the colorimeter finds its application in textile, medical and pharmaceutical, and the food and beverage industry. The colorimeter displays its output with the help of analog or digital scale, or logarithmic or linear scale.

Portable Colorimeter Eases Functionality

The demand for handy, easy-to-use and compact devices has majorly influenced the overall testing equipment ecosystem. Moreover, the proliferating application of colorimeter for ensuring quality of solutions and products has created a demand for handheld and portable colorimeter, that are easy to operate and carry. Similar products are provided by colorimeter majors such as Fisher Scientific, a Thermo Fisher Scientific arm, that provide the light-weight colorimeter called  Biochrom WPA CO7500 Colorimeter which is compact and portable and has an ergonomic design which is designed for use in the educational sector.

Achieving Accuracy in Color Measurements with New Solution  

Accuracy plays a crucial role when it comes to determining the concentration of different solutions, and ensuring whether they meet the required quality standard. Colorimeter manufacturers have observed that consumers in the colorimeter landscape opt for highly-accurate colorimeter offerings to boost the process. Similarly, the provider of advanced measurement systems, and ones that specifically focus on color and light, Admesy offered a new colorimeter called Hyperion XYZ. This advanced colorimeter is a highly accurate and rapid integrated platform that enables end-users segments to carry out color measurements with high-level accuracy in milliseconds. Moreover, the features that make this colorimeter ideal for display measurements even at low light level include its high sensitivity, state-of-the-art filter characteristics, extensive dynamic range, and ultra-low noise electronics.

Technologically Advanced Colorimeter Designed for Modern Practice

Technology plays a vital role in the development of new and improved testing equipment and devices. Testing equipment manufacturers aim at incorporating cutting edge technology to address next-gen requirements. Advancements in technology, therefore, are an essential factor in the development of cutting-edge technologically integrated colorimeter for the futuristic customers. For instance, the Cerium Visual Technologies, an equipment manufacturer, updated their colorimeter to introduce a technologically-backed electronic version with the help of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with the University of Essex. The new version is well-engineered with a light, aesthetic, and ergonomic design, having a smaller footprint. Furthermore, the minimal maintenance boosts the performance even further. Such technological innovations are expected to open new opportunities for emerging colorimeter players.