EU Member States are Devising Post-Brexit Contingency Plans for Essential Drugs Supply as UK Grapples with Deal-No-Deal Ambiguity

Brexit’s uncertainties have plagued all industries alike, pharmaceuticals is no exception either. As UK heads for a possible no deal Brexit this year, Germany’s drug regulator has assured its patients that Brexit will not expose them to a loss of access to essential drugs. Ireland is drawing up a list of 24 most vulnerable medicines whose supply would be threatened if Britain exits without a deal.

The Irish drug market is heavily dependent on UK for transit of the drugs as around 60-70% of its drugs transit through or come from the UK. Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has said that he has been undertaking regular discussions with the health officials for the past 2 years to examine the possibility of any severe disruption in supply. Mr. Varadkar told the parliament that any stockpiling of the key drugs will eventually lead to a break in supply as a result they have decided against stockpiling. They are working with wholesalers and the pharmaceutical industry to ensure supply of the 24 key watch listed drugs they are most concerned about.

Germany’s BfArm Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices tasked the country’s main pharmaceutical industry associations to find out the effect of a no-deal Brexit on the supply of drugs. The regulator on its official website posted its analysis that no significant shortage of medicines is expected which are thought to have critical importance. 2600+ drugs used in the country at some stage or the other are manufactured in Britain. 45 million patient packs flow out of UK while 37 million in the opposite direction, according to the figures provided by the industrial bodies.

UK’s drug industry have been given a target by the government to stockpile six weeks of additional medicines to prepare for a no-deal Brexit. The industry said that the target will be a challenge. EU’s central drug authority European Medicines Agency is extra vigilant and has set up a task force to lessen the disruption in supply of drugs over the next 2 years. EMA said that Brexit would likely effect the supply of some drugs. EMA which is currently located in London is shifting to Amsterdam post-Brexit which has prompted many drugmakers to prepare for duplicate licensing and drug testing arrangements.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s epic loss in passing the Brexit deal in parliament has left her scrambling for a means to get her deal approved in the coming months. While Britain lingers on deal or no-deal Brexit, European Commission has prepared to publish no-deal Brexit contingency plan. The plan includes 14 urgent and essential policies that EU member states must adopt.

Boston Scientific Settles Longstanding Patent Lawsuit with Irvine-based Edward Lifesciences for $180 Million

Edwards Lifesciences is on the cusp of resolving the longstanding patent dispute with Marlborough, MA-based Company Boston Scientific over the Transcatheter aortic valve replacement device patents. The Irvin, CA based company has agreed pay $180 million as one-time payment to Boston Scientific.

The companies were involved in multiple patent office lawsuits and disputes in Germany, UK and the USA. Under the settlement which was announced on 15 Jan 2019, both the companies have resolved to withdraw the multiple complaints and disputes pending in various courts after Edwards Lifesciences pays the mutually agreed amount to Boston Scientific. However Boston Scientific has not revealed as to how the $180 million figure was decided.

This has cleared the path for relaunching of LOTUS aortic valve device later this year, a significant development after UK’s patent court and German Court gave mixed verdicts on the alleged infringement of Boston’s patent by Edward’s Sapien 3 device and a Delaware Courts verdict affirmed the infringement allegations.

Boston Scientific in 2017 announced the recall of the LOTUS devices due to delay in manufacturing and commercialization timeline. Reuters had forecasted the device sales in the 2017 year to reach between $100 million to $125 million in global annual sales. The LOTUS device is to be used for treating patients with aortic stenosis involves a relatively new development in treatment called transcatheter aortic valve replacement. The surgical which is minimally invasive, blood flow is regulated by replacing the damaged valve by inserting a replacement valve. The American Heart Association believes that it may lead to alleviation of some of the risk factors involved in open heart surgery for high and intermediate risk patients.

Boston Scientific has also recently announced the acquisition of Claret Medical Inc. which is a strategic acquisition considering the company’s extensive involvement in TAVR devices which are FDA- approved and able to filter of debris from the heart during medical procedures. The company is also acquiring Britain’s BTG Plc. for a $4.2 billion. The new settlement is another feather in the cap of Boston’s aggressive Intellectual property rights protection strategy. The settlement has given boost to the stock prices of the company, as Boston’s stock prices rose by over three percent to $36.48.  The TAVR device market is expected to reach $6.5 billion by the year 2022.  The company is one of the most formidable companies in the industry which in 2018 only undertook 9 new acquisitions along with couple of strategic investments worth $6 billion.

Centre for Process Innovation Starts a Project Aimed at Improving Pharmaceutical Processes through Simulation-based Computer Modelling

An InnovateUK initiative with cumulative funding of £700,000 is aimed at helping pharmaceuticals to manufacture particulates by the use of computer simulations. The Project is called Manufacturing of Particulate Process. The project which is led by Centre for Process Innovation is a 2 year long project which will improve the productivity of industrial processes through the use of computer modelling across the length and breadth of manufacturing processes.

The funding will be used to link the academic researchers to the industry experts so that laboratory processes could be adopted for addressing a range of industry requirements, which has for now culminated into the formation of a generic framework to be used by manufacturers for practical and industrial adoption of particle models. The initial application of the models will be used in pharmaceutical industry which in the manufacture of drugs uses cohesive powders.

The key feature of the framework includes a decision tool to be used by industrial organization based in UK for quicker access and easier adoption of particle models. The design provides engineers and product scientists a simulation based platform to better design and develop models involving particulates. And more importantly it will improve the quality of cohesive and fine powders used by pharmaceutical companies. The project will significantly enhance the productivity of the entire manufacturing process as well as aid in reducing manufacturing cost.

The MPP project manager Dr Caroline Kelly believes that the project involves world’s leading partners in several fields to deliver an innovative new process for translating particle modelling from academic research into industrial scale formulations.

EDEM, simulation based software process provider along with Process Systems Enterprise (PSE) were used by the project for developing models and were also validated using real life trials.

Head of Dept. formulated products at PSE, Dr Sean Birmingham is hopeful about CPI’s excellent demonstration on the capability of gPROMS PBM environment developed using the ADDoPT project for pharmaceutical digital design can be applied to other products industries as well which include specialty chemicals and fast moving consumer goods.

DEM and PBM which were previously constrained to only academic and research environment will find a mainstream industrial scale commercial application through the project. CPI is funded by InnovateUK which is an innovation agency which works independently of the government for supporting development of cutting edge research. CPI works in innovation in processing to aid diverse industries which include Electronics, Food, Energy and Healthcare.

Vestager to Face Questions on Her Blocking the Alstom-Siemens Merger Deal at the Strasbourg Meet

Margrethe Vestager, EU  Competition Commission’s chief will be facing questions from a college of EU commissioners about her decision to block one of the biggest mergers in the European Union which involves the corporate merger of Germany’s Siemens and France’s Alstom.

The merger of the two industrial heavyweights which manufactures rail parts is supported by the top leaderships of both French and German governments. The companies claim that the merger is necessary for ensuring that the two European corporations stand a chance against heavily state backed Chinese companies. The deal would create a united entity more of a European rail giant. However the deal backed by the governments is being blocked by Vestager and her supporters alleging that the deal would seriously threaten competition in industry biting a significant chunk of national markets and will leave the united entity in an unfairly dominant position resembling a monopoly.

Vestager who has garnered a reputation of crossing fierce adversaries such as US tech giants. Recent casualties of her tax rulings include Apple who was fined with a $15 billion compensation for malpractices by the EU commissioner. She was recently in news for intensifying investigation in the Nike’s Netherlands operations. She has been dubbed as ‘tax lady’ by the US President Donald Trump.

She has expressed at an event in Berlin, that although the EU needs European champions to compete against powerful foreign rivals but at the same time we can’t build them by making compromises with competition policies and letting member states disregard competition rules.

Grumbling voices are being heard from all quarters of French and German governments who are trying to swing political consensus in favor of the merger. Bruno Le Maire, the French Economy minister has warned that blocking the deal would be political mistake, while Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has warned that if the deal is blocked it would sentence European children with a fate to sit in trains built by non-European manufacturers 30 years down the lane.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also protested by warning the EU that blocking big mergers which may compete against Asian rivals solely to protect competition would be wrong and threaten economic development of European businesses in the long run. Germany’s leading business lobby, BDI has also favored the merger.

At the meeting scheduled at Strasbourg, Vestager may face critics on her fierce opposition to the deal. Although EU historically has been pro-competition, China’s economic might and spreading global empire of Chinese corporations have forced many to rethink on the competition policies of the Union. Vestager, having angered powerful factions in many European governments as well as abroad has said that she may be friendless on European political stage and fears that this may be her last term as the competition commissioner.

Microsoft and Walgreen Both Biggest Names in Their Respective Fields have Signed a Deal for Innovation in Health-Technology Space

Microsoft has joined hand with pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution company Walgreens Boots Alliance for its cloud computing solutions. The pharmacy chain as part of this strategic partnership will use Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing software as the two companies start innovation in healthcare sector.

Under the deal which spans seven years, Microsoft will provide Walgreens Boots Alliance 380,000 plus employee strength Office365 software, Windows 10 and other productivity tools, Walgreen on its part will move most of its information technology and cloud infrastructure to Microsoft’s artificial intelligence and cloud computing software Azure.

 In addition to partnership in cloud computing solutions, Microsoft and Walgreens are working ways to innovate in health care delivery systems for low cost and quality health outcomes. The research and development investment will span several years by which the companies are planning to establish joint innovation centers in strategically important markets. Walgreens will start 12 digital health corners in its stores. They’re aimed at sale and merchandising of health care related select devices. Microsoft and Walgreens have resolved to focus more personalized health care related experiences from disease management to preventive self-care.

The deal is the most strategic move by Microsoft when other huge conglomerates including Amazon are pushing boundaries and have entered into healthcare and health technology space. Amazon in 2018 has pushed aggressively into the healthcare sector with filings of several healthcare related technology patents as well as partnerships with companies like Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan for employee health initiative.

To launch in Healthcare which a complex industry with number of players including pharmaceuticals, wholesalers, hospital, medical device maker, distributor  and retail chains, a technology company like Microsoft needs tremendous expertise in the field. A partnership with a major enterprise in the industry like Walgreens gives Microsoft the credibility to go after other players in the space. Walgreens and other retail pharmacy players are wary of Amazon after the e-commerce giant bought pharmacy chain PillPack in June 2018. Walgreens has also recently partnered with Alphabet’s Life sciences division Verily for a project to help people take their medicine.

Microsoft has been actively pursuing partnerships with major companies for providing artificial intelligence and cloud computing solutions through its Azure platform.  The recent partnerships include Kroger, the grocery store chain, Walmart and Gap, the fashion retailer. It has inked deals with MasterCard, Nielson, General Electric and Royal Dutch Shell.  Microsoft’s stocks rose to 105.01 by 2.9% and Walgreens to 71.79 by 1.6% post announcement of the deal.

New Data Released by Eurostats Confirm Fears of European Economic Slowdown with Major Economies Already in Recession

Europe is facing a an economic slowdown with two of its largest economies already on the brink of recession according the recent release of statistics report by Eurostat which is EU’s central agency for handling economic statistics. With US- China trade war and consequent slowdown in China the world’s second largest economy, the European as well as the global economy have shown signs of deep trouble.

A slowdown in China’s automotive market has already threatened revenues of many European automakers who draw massive revenues from the Asian giant, forcing many to enter partnerships and job cuts to balance the rapidly dwindling profits. A recent report released by Standard Chartered Bank has found that United States is going to lose its status of the biggest economy in the world by 2020 replaced by China, and may never get that title back again as Asian economies move ahead in the race.

Economists, policymakers and investors observing the global economy fear that a major economic crisis is in the process of making. Eurostat reveled on Monday that between October to November last year industrial production fell by over 1.7%. The data signaled that the European Union’s economy is growing but at a laggardly pace. It said that although Eurozone GDP increased by a small amount in the fourth but slowed down by a gear; however there is no reasonable evidence to predict a sharp rebound in 2019.

Germany, usually the star performer in European Union reported a decline in industrial production by 1.9% in November 2018, while the year-on-year production reached a low of -4.6%, which is the biggest slowdown since 2008 financial crisis. Exports in November fell to -0.4%. Manufacturing being the key driver of German economy, any slowdown in manufacturing is reverberated across the whole economy. The slowdown is credited to the plunging profits of German automotive giants in the shifting landscape of adopting to electric cars and tougher emission standards simultaneously. EU’s ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% is putting a heavy blow to automobile industry.

Italian manufacturing has also slumped down with evidence from official government data showing negative trends at the end of 2018. The Italian government is highly Eurosceptic and volatile. The French government seems has a lot to deal with lately with Gilets Jaune protests escalating everyday along with an economic slowdown. France’s GDP, third largest in Europe is expected to be halved by 0.2% from 0.4% in the last quarter, thanks to the belligerent yellow vest protests. The protests which started in November 2018 have already cost retailers a whopping $1 billion and more.

Although slowdown in German economy continues, the UK based staffing and human resources firm Hays has reported an 8% rise in net fees, contributed hugely by the 15% rise in payments from Germany. The numbers indicate a strong hiring in Germany but it has to be noted that the firm largely deals with white collar jobs rather than factory ones. All major automakers including Jaguar, Ford and Volkswagen have recently announced major plant closures with thousands of job cuts. This has raised alarming bells in Europe and worldwide.

Facebook Plans to Help Local News Organizations Find Profitable Business Models Through a $300 Million Investment

Facebook has announced plans to invest $300 million in local news organizations worldwide over the coming three years. The social media giant often a recipient of egregious accusations of being the doom of local news business worldwide seems to address these by its investment plans.

The plan includes investment of both money and time by the organization to help local news companies find sustainable and viable business models to compete in the rapidly shifting news business relying heavily on online advertising revenues. The investment is different from other such investments by the company as it does not involve tie up with any Facebook related products as reported by the recipients of the investment.

The earlier rounds of investment were meant to incentivize publishers to rely on Facebook’s products and services for news delivery which ended up hurting them in the end as Facebook shifted its strategy repeatedly.

The latest round of investment is supposedly aimed at fighting fake news and misinformation which has rampantly spread across the platform by exploiting its capabilities. Campbell Brown, vice president of Global News in the company, also believes that Facebook also has a responsibility and opportunity in helping local news to grow. Critics of Facebook have accused it of being a silent witness to spread of misinformation, fake news and political meddling.

The investment in the US will help augment resources needed for local reporting, evolve new technology to create new services and product and improve the gathering of news. It has also devised a program which is modeled after Peace Corp which will hire ‘trainee community journalist’ and will place them in newsrooms. The program has planned over the next five years to place 1000 trainee journalists in local newsrooms.

The notable recipients of the investments include non-profits such as Report for America, Pulitzer Center as well as The American Journalism Project, Local Media consortium and Local Media Association, Knight-Lenfest Local News Transformation Fund and Community News Project. An alliance of over 80 news organizations Local Media Consortium’s CEO Fran Wils said that Facebook is helping the organization to create a content program for attracting advertising opportunities and expresses optimism that it will create new revenue streams which will aid local journalism to grow.

Facebook last year also launched an “Accelerator’’ program to help newsrooms such as Denver Post and San Francisco Chronicle to attract membership and subscribers. It also invested $6 million in local publishing in Britain. The company has taken several initiatives recently to improve its public image after the platform lost credibility because of major controversies last year with reports saying that Facebook was used extensively by the Russians for influencing 2016 presidential elections.

Facebook has recently announced that political advertising tools and rules will be extended to countries like Ukraine, Nigeria, India and European Union to curb election interference.

Safer Substitutions to Sleeping Pills that Keep the Functioning of Brain Intact

Multiple factors have contributed in the increasing sleeping disorders in adults, which in turn have surged the demand for sleeping pills. A new research published by Behavioral Neuroscience in the Frontiers journal proposes a safer substitute to sleeping pills. As compared to conventional sleeping pills which strongly cause drowsiness and prevent the transmission of any signal to the brain, the proposed drug is said to have specific characteristics, wherein the one who takes them can sense threat even in the state of deep slumber. Once the threat is over, the individual can drift back to sleep.

According to CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1/3rd of U.S. adults find it difficult to get sound sleep on a daily basis. Additionally, about 50 to 70 Mn individuals in U.S. suffer from either sleep deprivation or insomnia. CDC report further stated that approximately 4% of the U.S. population above 20 years pop sleeping pills and this percent intensifies with education and age. Furthermore, 1 in every 8 adults rely on sleeping pills to get adequate sleep. However, whether sleeping pills are safe for consumption is yet debatable.

Various researches have been carried out which have highlighted the adverse effects of popping a sleeping pill on a daily basis. With a continued usage of sleeping pills over a long period of time, one can easily get accustomed to these drugs and as a result, the body needs a higher dose of the drug. If the dose of the drug consumed is too high, it could cause breathing issues during sleep, which can eventually cause death. Moreover, a prolonged usage of these pills can cause drowsiness the next morning, since the chemical contents may still have their deposits in the body. Diarrhea, dizziness, and impairment on the following day are some of its additional side-effects.

The most dangerous side-effect is however, when an individual cannot sense a threat-like situation and fall a victim to it. The new drug developed by Behavioral Neuroscience possesses an intrinsic property that enables a person to wake up from his sleep and respond to the dangerous situation. Prof. Kuwaki, along with his team devised this novel solution by testing the drug on mice. He reported that the rodent woke up as soon as his brain sensed danger. Additionally, once the threat was over, the mice fell asleep. The professor and his team proposed a solution named, “Dual Orexin Receptor Antagonists (DORAs)” to enable the transmission of threat signals to the brain even during deep slumber.

Surface Plasmon Resonance: Cost-efficient, Label-free Bio-molecular Detection Processes Drive Adoption

A senior market analyst, at Future Market Insights discusses the changing dynamics of the surface Plasmon resonance market and how are biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies responding to the same.

Used for achieving detailed analysis of the interactions between biomolecules, surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) finds extensive applications in the fields of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, for the production of bio-sensors, new drugs, and also for material sciences procedures testing. With the growth of healthcare infrastructure, the demand in the surface Plasmon resonance market is anticipated to witness higher rate of growth.

How will SPR procedures fare in assisting the development of innovative new drugs?

The prohibitive restrictions of time, cost, and reduced rate of success for drugs incorporating small molecules has generated a demand for faster and precise activity and characteristic measurements through the drug development life cycle.

For instance, the binding characteristics of small molecule towards a targeted protein compound with SPR allows accurate profiling of the molecules binding behavior. The process allows researchers to study the stability and speed of formation for new compounds, which can significantly affect the behavior of the medication.

Unlike other similar procedures, SPR has the added advantage of being able to provide results without any labels, that too in real time.

What are the major innovative products defining the future of SPR procedures?

A recent product by Bruker named the SierraTM SPR-32 makes use of an innovative frame-inject technology that provides new opportunities for mechanistic study on interactions of molecular interactions, with a faster rate of analysis. This is made possible through the pre-stabilization of the molecules surface through the application of a portion of molecular co-factors that comprise added buffers, prior to the injection process of the compound. This allows the kinetics of the compound to be monitored in a disassociated stage allowing major savings on time, and expenses on consumable items.

When being used in conjunction with spectrometry equipment, superlative results from high throughput screening activities can be achieved easily, making this technology a massive change for pharmaceutical development.

What is SPR’s role in disease control?

Researchers at the Monash University have developed an unique Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) sensor with the application of specialized antimonene materials, which can detect cancer-related bio markers such as MicroRNA-155 and Micro-RNA 21, with nearly 150,000 cases of early detection of cancer in the last year alone, through research conducted by The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technology.  The technology has increased the accuracy of 2D cancer detection by approximately 10,000 times.

Throw some light on the challenges facing the development of SPR-based point-of-care devices?

Key aspects such as the mass production of metallic nanostructures on the biomolecule substrates, lack of detection sensitivity capabilities, and prohibitive expenses for combining microfluidic chips with point of care equipment is significantly restricting the creation of such devices.

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Head Mounted Displays for Entertainment and Gaming to Witness Higher Demand

Growing affordability of components such as micro displays, and increased applications of head mounted displays for fields such as medicine, military, gaming, and augmented reality among others are anticipated to boost the prospects of the head mounted display market for the years ahead.

What are some key demand-driving factors translating into effective adoption of helmet mounted/eye wear display devices?

With easy access to lightweight materials for helmet mounted displays (HMD), and increased adoption by military and healthcare professionals, these devices are anticipated to witness a strong rate of growth.

Military applications of security, training, monitoring, and simulations are increasing adoption of HMD devices in the field. Moreover, manufacturers are developing awareness programs about health hazards for prolonged use of wearable displays, or stereoscopic display, are anticipated to help users to utilize helmet mounted display devices in the long run.

On the other hand, the higher portability, smaller size, and lower weight of eye wear devices are anticipated to increase the demand for such wearable devices in the near future.

Throw some light on the technological advancements being made for efficient Head Mounted Displays.

Offering significant advantages to surgical, industrial, and military devices, the Ultra high pixel density display (UHPD) platform makes use of a proprietary red/green/blue organic light-emitting diode, which provides an active matrix that are ideal for virtual reality and augmented reality compatible headsets. Similarly, smart pixel IC (SPIC) has been developed by INT Tech as a board scale solution that allows the integrated functioning of multiple sensors on the rear pane of the display, which is based on thin film transistors. The technology allows for sensing fingerprints, proximity, eye tracking, and light generation, making it ideal for bio-sensory devices and integration through internet of things (IoT).

Moreover, the rising use of head mounted projection displays (HMPD), provide easier display corrections and improved depth perception owing the use of retro reflective material, occlusion optics, and side-mounted optics.

What is the future of head mounted displays in entertainment and gaming?

 The applications of head mounted display devices are anticipated to grow at a relatively faster rate in comparison to other fields in the near future owing to recent enhancements to high resolution displays, improvements to video capabilities, and 3D video display functionality, which is considered as the next stage in entertainment by the vast majority of end users.

On the other hand, such devices are still plagued by a number of disadvantages such as wide bezels, lack of compatibility for vertical integration, and side effects such as headaches and fatigue after prolonged use are keeping manufacturers from reaching their peak. When such problems are surmounted in the future, head mounted display devices are anticipated to make all conventional computer and console monitors completely obsolete.

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