Market for Agricultural Adjuvants Expected to Hit US$ 6.75 billion by 2034, Boosted by Eco-Friendly Innovations and Regulatory Support

The global agricultural adjuvant market is forecast to expand at 6% CAGR over the forecast period, as per FMI’s analysis. The industry’s size is predicted to surge from US$ 3.79 billion in 2024 to US$ 6.75 billion by 2034. The agricultural adjuvant industry has been positively impacted by the emerging concept of green pesticides. Gradually, the use of green pesticides …

Government Policies and Environmental Concerns Fuel 6% Growth in Agricultural Adjuvant Market Through 2034

The global agricultural adjuvant market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6% from 2024 to 2034, expanding from USD 3.79 billion to USD 6.75 billion. This growth is fueled by supportive governmental policies, active innovation by industry leaders, and an increasing shift towards sustainable farming practices. Definition and Market Overview Agricultural …