FMI Analysis States Global Personal Watercraft Market Value Forecasted to Grow at an Average 6% CAGR by 2032

The global personal watercraft (PWC) market is projected to grow at a robust CAGR of 6% and reach a significant value by 2032. Valued at approximately USD 1.6 billion in 2020, the market is expected to maintain its positive performance throughout the forecast period. Increasing use of personal watercraft by marine and water police forces is likely to further propel market …

Personal Watercraft Market Competitor Analysis, Winning Strategies and Growth Drivers 2032

The personal watercraft market size is anticipated to grow at a moderate CAGR of 6% during 2022-2032. With stringent emission regulations, the personal watercraft manufacturers are focusing on developing technologically advanced personal watercraft, which cause less pollution. Have been equippith two stroke engines, but with changing technology, the personal watercrafts are now poweed wSince the personal …

Personal Watercraft Market Size, Key Players, Growth Factors, Regions and Applications, Industry Forecast by 2032

The personal watercraft market is predicted to expand as demand for personal watercraft increases in applications, such as marine or water police, to ensure safety and security among individuals engaged in water sports, as well as high utilisation as a recreational and sporting alternative.” With stringent emission regulations, the personal watercraft manufacturers are focusing on …