Lorax Compliance Issues Warning for Pack Exporters vis-à-vis New European Regulations

Lorax Compliance, a firm offering SaaS services for environmental compliance and consultancy for companies who need to consider regional and global compliances, issues an official warning for firms to brace themselves for amendments in the packaging compliance schemes in Europe. In case they fail to do so, the repercussion might include a fine imposition of around €200,000.

The company puts spotlight on amendments and changes in the province of Germany, wherein the brand new VerpackG scheme will be having profound influences on the companies involved in export of goods to the country. The companies have been asked to get involved in a dual system to enable effective recovery of packaging post use, which will be a key aspect determining their continuation in the market space. Firms have been asked to get registered with the Central Authority prior to dispatch of any product for the very first attempt in Germany. This has been made compulsory and non- comprisable at any cost for all the companies, irrespective of their size and foothold.

Concerns apropos of environmental sustainability remains the key objective fuelling such legislations. With the rising trend of environmental pollution in many prominent landscape, including Germany, packaging formats and their relevant impact have been taken into serious consideration.

According to a revelation by Lorax, organizations that fail in terms of submission of a “declaration of completeness” could have to bear the brunt of €200,000 fine.

Similarly, in case of Italy, the Conai scheme has brought into picture a brand new reporting category vis-à-vis poly-laminated packaging, which is used for storage of liquids like milk and fruit juices. In this new section, the reporting fee per ton has been decided upon €40.

In the meantime, the count of plastics categories and segments in Italy will come down from 5 to 4 types. Plastics that are sortable as well as recyclable will be charged for as low as €150 per ton, whereas the ones that are unknown or non-recyclable will be charged in terms of €369 per ton.

“In the coming two years, all the EPR initiatives and programmers in Europe are likely to undergo reformations in the 2018 Circular Economy Package. Firms that are unaware od not up-to-date of the newest proposed l legislations and environmental schemes are prone to substantial risk, either of over- and under-reporting the volume they supply to the market or in terms of product addition to inappropriate categories, which could result in adversities such as fines and penalties.” – Michelle Carvell, COO, Lorax Compliance.

Iran has Raised its Gasoline Production Capacity to Record Levels amidst US Sanction on Iranian Oil

To immunize itself from the massive effects of US sanctions, Iran has increased its gasoline production levels to 100 million liters per day. With this kind of national production capacity it has moved closer to the goal of achieving self-sufficiency, as reported Iranian media agency.

The increase comes from the Persian Gulf Star Refinery near the Persian Gulf, which in the beginning of its operations had a production capacity of only 12 million liters of gasoline and diesel per day in 2017, after successfully completing two expansion phases, the refinery’s production capacity increased to 36 million liters of gasoline per day and daily condensate capacity of 3, 60,000 barrels.

South Pars gas field which is co-owned by Iran and Qatar, feeds the condensate to the Persian Gulf Star Refinery. The facility which is condensate refinery giant in the Middle East will enable Iran to export high value products insulating the nation from the grave economic turmoil caused by US sanctions.

The exports of high value products which are in high demand in Asia including India will ensure Iran’s economic stability. Iran has also heavily invested in a refinery in Nagapattanam. The refinery which is run by Chennai Petroleum Corp. Iran has reportedly invested 15 billion euros in this refinery which expected to boost its production capacity to nine times its current production. As India is a strategic market for Iran, amidst the Sanctions fiasco, Iran’s plans to contribute a significant portion of US$ 4 billion of investment to boost production capacity nine million tons per day. The Nagapattanam Refinery along with raised production levels from Persian Gulf Star refinery will significantly improve Iran’s production.

The Indian government has also exempted payments for the imported crude from Iran from taxes. The payment will be made in Indian rupee INR as amount deposited in Indian bank. Although by tax regulations, the amount is subject to 40% tax rate, Iran has been granted exemption considering the exceptional circumstances surrounding the US embargo. National Iranian Oil Company who is the receiver of these payments has in exchange has signed an undertaking to not carry out any other activity other than receiving payments. However, Iran can use these funds to pay for imports of medical devices, medicines and food grains from India and it can also invest in debt securities of Indian government.

Pertamina Enters Crude Oil Supply Contracts with 11 Oil and Gas Contractors in Indonesia

Pertamina, the state-owned oil and gas company in Indonesia has entered into contracts with 11 oil and gas companies operating in Indonesia to supply crude oil. The contract has been signed with an aim to reduce crude oil imports in the country. The agreements of the contract are based on the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial regulation on the domestic use priority of crude oil produced in Indonesia.

The 11 companies that signed contract with Pertamina are PT SPR Langgak, Bumi Siak Pusako, RH Petrogas Limited, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd., PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, PT Energi Mega Persada Tonga, SAKA Pangkah Indonesia Ltd, Husky CNOOC Madura Ltd, PetroChina International (Bermuda) Ltd. (bbn), Petronas Carigali Ketapang I Ltd, and PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk.

Djoko Siswanto, Director General Oil & Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources stated that the volume of contracts is high enough and if all the companies sold their crude oil to Pertamina, then the company will be able to reduce imports by 225,000 bopd.

According to Arya Dwi Paramita, Pertamina’s media communications manager, the company that was selected by the Indonesian government to purchase crude oil produced in the country was ready to consume all the crude oil that was sold by several oil companies. He also said that the volume of contracts is different with each oil company, which depends on the mutual agreement. Pertamina has not disclosed details of the contracts and scheme’s value.

By the end of 2019, Pertamina plans to establish 123 one-price fuel stations under the government program to provide fuel in remote regions. The company already opened 54 fuel stations in 2017, followed by 69 in 2018. In 2019 it aims to open 29 fuel stations. The fuel stations are opened in outermost and least developed regions in Indonesia.

ARLP Completes Acquisition of AllDale, Targets the Oil & Gas Mineral Interests

Alliance Resource Partners (ARLP) made an official announcement, which conveyed completion of the acquisition of AllDale with a purchase amount of nearly $175 million, as per the previous announcement. This, in turn, enabled a control of nearly 42,000 net acres of royalty vis-à-vis areas with large-scale oil & gas accumulation. ARLP is one of the largest and diversified natural resource firm which generates revenue from coal production along interests apropos of oil and gas minerals found across strategic producing regions throughout United States.

“Ultimate closing of this transaction with AllDale is likely to provide ARLP with noteworthy ownership of highly-profitable oil & gas mineral interests,” stated Joseph W. Craft III, CEO and President. “This transaction is also foreseen to build the base for a remarkable growth of the company”, he added. The substantive income that will be procured from the aforementioned mineral interests is poised to be instantly profitable to ARLP’s revenue footprint in the year 2019 and also creates anticipations for an optimistic stream of royalty, which will offer long-term profit-making opportunities for the unit holders of ARLP.

Details of the Transaction

ARLP successfully completed the acquisition all the general partner interests of AllDale, which has been acknowledged as a viable and useful addition to the ARLP product portfolio. On the basis of the price concerned with this partnership interest, ARLP is likely to procure a gain ranging in between $145.0- $155.0 million in the first quarter of 2019, which will be a noncash gain, in order to reflect a fair and reasonable value of its past investments in partnerships with AllDale. ARLP’s acreage is being proactively developed by some of the industry-leading operators, such as Devon Energy, Continental Resources, Concho Resources, and Anadarko Petroleum.

At present, there are around 3,821 gross production wells involved in generation of production net to the interest of ARLP’s interest of nearly 2,611 oil equipment barrels for one day. As per the current statistics, around 495 wells are subjected to drilling at ARLP’s acreage and another count of around 860 well locations that are permitted. ARLP has an ownership of nearly 4,000 net acres via its partner interests, which are limited in number, in AllDale Minerals III, L.P. This strategic move is expected to enhance the current operational statistics of the company and also induce a shared responsibility in terms of risk and costs.

EU to Follow Suit After USA on Barring Chinese Companies as the 5G Technology’s Potential Usage in Espionage Operations Raises Concern

 5G Technology has alarmed many in the security establishment of USA and Europe. A technology which has shown promises to revolutionize telecom sector radically in next couple of years has also posed a major security threat to national security according to experts. The technology has many loopholes which can also be exploited to conduct espionage operations. Intelligence agencies have warned of impending chaos if the threat is not addressed. EU is following similar suit following US lead to stop Chinese telecom companies from creating 5G base in the nation’s territory.

The Trump White House is considering to roll out an executive order to ban US companies from starting joint ventures and also use equipments made by Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE. American suspicions about the technologies possible espionage usage has alarmed many countries in the European Union. Italy, Finland, Spain, Germany, Austria, and Belgium have raised similar concerns about the technology’s possible abuse by Russian and Chinese intelligence agencies.

The battle became fierce with the arrest of Huawei’s chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou, after the company refused to cooperate with US on sanctions against Iran, a strategic ally of the Chinese Communist Party.

Huawei and ZTE have a reputation of openly collaborating Chinese intelligence agencies. British intelligence agencies were one of the first to point out the potential danger of using Chinese 5g technology equipments. Others in the EU who have to shunned ties with the Chinese companies include French telecom provider Orange who recently declared that it will stop using any Chinese equipments. Germany’s Deutsche Telecom is also reportedly cooperating with security agencies to address their concerns. The company has resisted any move to totally ban Chinese equipments, as T-Mobile Network owned by Deutsche Telecom has entered into a partnership agreement to unroll 5G network in Poland. 

. The total ban on Chinese companies is not economically viable either as Chinese 5G market is one of the largest in the world. Any move to ban the companies will raise fears of retaliatory actions by the Chinese government. Telecom industry in EU has a lot at stake here as it tries to gain access to the huge telecom market of the Asian Giant.

Telecom Reports predict the internet traffic to be thirty times more than in last decade by year 2020. 5G Tech will provide a solid base for EU’s one trillion euro digital market. Brussels has already invested 700 million euros in the program Horizon 2020 to promote innovation and research in 5G technology.

Qualcomm Enforces Ban of Specific iPhone Models in German Stores

Qualcomm Inc, an American multinational giant in telecommunications products and services, took some solid step on Thursday vis-à-vis enforcement of court order to ban sales of specific iPhone models in Germany. This step is highly likely to persuade Apple Inc. to pull out these iPhone models from German stores and shops, which in turn will have profound influence on the sales figures of Apple. A bond worth 1.34 billion euros ($1.52 billion) was posted as a crucial part of the legal necessities by a German court, wherein Apple was accused of infringement of the Qualcomm patents on power-saving technologies utilized in case of smartphones.

In line with this order, Apple stated that it would pull iPhone 7 and 8 models from around 15 retail establishments in Germany. However, when Qualcomm successfully posted the bond, Apple’s statements came into effect. Based on the recent move by Qualcomm, Apple denied to give out any significant and solid comment.

As per order by the court, Apple is forced to stop selling, impending offers for sale, and importation of the infringing iPhone models in Germany. The court also placed an order asking Apple to recall all the models that are affected from various third-party resellers based in Germany, as per a statement given by Qualcomm.

In one of its previous statements, Apple had stated that it would continue selling all of its iPhone models across multiple retail and carrier locations in Germany, which was more of a contradiction to interpretations of Qualcomm apropos of the order.

A German lawyer, who isn’t directly involved in the case, stated that order of the court was highly oriented toward entities of Apple Inc rather than third party stores involved. These third parties still have the liberty in terms of selling theses affected phones. “The equation of a settlement will be primarily driven by the U.S. litigation, and not the German case.” he added.

As per sources, Apple came up with solid arguments for reversal of the court’s ruling on appeal. If this becomes the case, bond of Qualcomm will be used to compensate Apple. Whether the order will turn out to be in favor of Apple or there will be a significant backlash against the acquisitions remains to be seen.

Ablative Solutions Inc. Raises Funding of $77M to Focus on Effective Treatments for Hypertension

Hypertension refers to a medical condition that has had a history of affecting people across the globe and also carries the potential of resulting into chronic health issues, such as cardiac arrest, heart failure, and stroke. It also represents a notable burden to the overall healthcare system framework and has attracted the attention of healthcare providers multiple times.

Renal denervation evolved as a breakthrough in terms of addressing hypertension outside of the traditional medication approaches. In this process, the nerves in the renal framework remain the target areas for blood pressure reduction. With potential benefits demonstrated, some of the latest and positive research results have translated into heightened interest as well as investments in the renal denervation process space.

Ablative Solutions, Inc., a firm pioneering latest and effective approaches for addressing hypertension, made an announcement of the first closure of its Series D funding round worth $77 million. As confirmed by various sources, the company is using this funding to facilitate clinical research & efficacy tests into its technological portfolio, which entails infusion of dehydrated alcohol into renal system in the form of a neurolytic agent for blocking the nerves that can amplify high blood pressure.

Sources also state that the organization has largely been in a momentary hold for the last two years owing to lack of funding, which had adverse impacts on the company’s efforts in clinical research. This new cash infusion will be leveraged to back a compact proof of efficacy of the Ablative’s technology and also a macro randomized trial that is supposed to act a validator of the technology for regulators across the U.S. and Europe.

It is strongly believed that solid claims and positive results by the recent studies on renal denervation is one of the prominent aspects that attracted substantial investments into this field. While drug therapy in tandem with evolving lifestyle changes remain the highly common treatment approaches for hypertension, constant pursuit for efficacy remains a key reason for increasing interest and investments in this area.

According to Geoff Pardo, a key investor, the technological portfolio of Ablative Solutions’ remains differentiated and unique in the overall market space owing to its abilities in terms of targeting nerves with greater efficacy and minimally-invasive manner, unlike their competitors. “It will be exciting to work with a solid syndicate with enough financial backup to attain desired clinical objectives and offer something that results in high-quality and better outcomes with reduced costs”, Pardo added.

Bleach gel Market to See Incredible Growth During 2018-2028

Bleach gel Market Outlook:

Bleach gel is a powerful high viscosity gel which provides whitening and stain removal formula for clothes and home cleaning. The bleach gel is used in laundry to deep clean, and whiten the fade clothes, along with deodorizing the clothes so as to provide them fresh and clean look like never before. Bleach gel is also used in household, to clean and remove stains from toilets, floors, bathtubs, plastic surfaces, tiles, sinks, and others. The bleach gel market is anticipated to witness a lucrative growth over the forecast period owing to a number of factors. Nowadays, consumers prefer hygienic and clean surrounding and thus are accepting products which helps them to maintain a clean atmosphere, the bleach gel formulation helps consumer get rid of the stains and germs present in various parts of their household thus promoting sanitization. Besides, unhygienic household especially toilets, and kitchen are home for pathogens and diseases, thus consumers are inclining towards one complete cleaning formula which does the job and maintains proper healthy environment. The bleach gel helps to whiten the tiles, toilet bowls, and other surfaces which help in maintaining their clean and fresh look. Bleach gel is used in laundry to fight dirt and, clean clothes, along with whitening the fabrics. Besides, bleach gel leaves a soothing scent/ fragrances to clothes and household to maintain the aesthetic appeal and freshness of the household and laundry.

Rise in demand for laundry products coupled with increasing expenditure of consumers on health and hygiene is driving the Bleach gel Market:

The consumers’ awareness regarding proper cleaning of their surrounding is the primary driver for the growing market for bleach gels. The bleach gel helps in deep cleaning and whitening of tiles, floors, and other areas thus promoting sanitization. Bleach gel market is also anticipated to propel due to increase in the clothing and apparel market, owing to the use of bleach gel in cleaning, whitening, and deodorize the clothes. A key factor driving the growth of the blue bleach market is product improvement and portfolio advancement. Manufacturers of bleach gels are coming up with new product formulations and successive launches, to continue in the extremely competitive fabric and household cleaning products market. Besides, manufacturers are implementing innovative and technological advancements, such as introducing a spray form of bleach gel and refill technology, and offering different scented bleach gels to attract consumer base. These factors have been thriving to increasing the sale of bleach gel and driving the global market for bleach gels.

Bleach gel Market: Market Segmentation

On the basis of application, the market for bleach gel is segmented into Laundry, Home cleaning; On the basis of fragrance/scent, the market for bleach gel is segmented into Regular, Lavender, Citrus, Flower; On the basis of packaging, the market for bleach gel is segmented into Plastic Bottles, Spray Bottles, Cans, Pouches/Sachets; On the basis of sales channel, the market for bleach gel is segmented into Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Groceries, Convenience stores, Online retails : Company Website, 3rd Party Online sales

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Bleach gel Market: Market participants:

The key market participants identified across the value chain of the Bleach gel market are ALEN DEL NORTE S.A. DE C.V., S. C. Johnson & Son, Prestige Consumer Healthcare, Inc., Reckitt Benckiser Group plc., Plus white are among others.

Baby Detergents & Laundry Products Market to Develop Rapidly by 2028

Baby Detergents & Laundry Products Market Outlook:

Baby detergents & laundry product is an essential consumer good which has gained high popularity in recent years owing to increasing awareness about the availability of these products and rising concerns about the skin health of newly born babies. Baby detergents are mostly used for babies with very sensitive skins as these detergents have special formulas which prevent the skin of the babies from getting rashes and pinworms. Baby detergents have gained traction over the market over the past few years owing to the rising population of parents who realize the importance of using baby detergents for their babies rather than normal detergents. Owing to the rising demand for baby detergents the demand side participants of the baby detergent market are focused on innovating new products with desirable specifications like a pleasant scent, good stain remover power and at the same time trying to reduce the cost of the baby detergents. Baby detergents market has also seen a boost due to various endorsements from different celebrities. The penetration of baby detergents in the market is majorly influenced by social media and advertisements and which is expected to increase the demand for baby detergents over the forecast period.

Rising health and hygiene and growing FMCG industry is driving the Baby Detergents & Laundry Products Market:

The global Baby Detergents & Laundry Products market is expected to witness a boost owing to rise in skin problems in newborn babies like eczema, allergies, dermatitis etc. which is leading parents to use more products like baby detergents. Nowadays many parents are facing problems of skin irritation of their babies which is a major concern for the parents as this leads to lack of sleep which eventually affects the health of the baby which is leading them to increase the use of baby detergents. Parents these days prefer detergents which are hypoallergenic, free from any fragrances, which doesn’t have any brighteners and which are chemical free. Due to the ill effects on our health of chemicals based consumers are shifting their preferences to natural based products and this influenced by this shift in consumer behavior the market participants of baby detergents are coming up with natural baby detergents which is a major growth driver for the baby detergent market.

Baby Detergents & Laundry Products Market: Market Segmentation

On the basis of Nature, the Global Baby Detergents & Laundry Products market has been segmented as: Natural, Conventional; On the basis of Form, the Global Baby Detergents & Laundry Products market has been segmented as: Liquid, Powder; On the basis of Packaging Type, the Global Baby Detergents & Laundry Products market has been segmented as: Bottles, Cartons, Drums, Tetra packs, Tubs; On the basis of Distribution Channel, the Global Baby Detergents & Laundry Products market has been segmented as: Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Specialty Retail Stores, Online Retailers

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Global Baby Detergents & Laundry Products Market: Market Participants:

The key market participants identified across the value chain of the global Baby Detergents & Laundry Products market are Henkel Corporation (Purex), Seventh Generation, Inc., Ecosprout, Procter & Gamble, The Honest Company, Inc., Biovert, ATTITUDE, FIT Organic., Church & Dwight Co., Inc., Biokleen, and dapple are among others.

Scuba Gloves Market Plying for Significant Growth During 2018-2028

Scuba Gloves Market Outlook

Over the last few years, there is a rapidly increasing popularity of water sports such as scuba diving, surfing, wakeboarding, and others. The government in various countries have also increased their focus on water sports activities to promote the potential of the tourism industry. Scuba diving is the main tourism market, making a billion dollar industry globally. However, it is very challenging to stay warm while diving. If a person stays for a longer period in cold water, he/she can have a risk of damage to the body. The scuba gloves will enable a diver to explore a variety of water temperature while keeping hands warm. Thus, scuba gloves are designed to keep hands safe, warms, protected in a variety of dive conditions, enable better sensitivity in the fingers as well as hands while handling the objects underwater, and ensure a better grip. Scuba gloves have various unique features such as pre-curved fingers, rubberized grip, resistant to salt water, and high-stretch neoprene. Scuba gloves also protect hands from external damage and offer thermal comfort, flexibility, and dexterity in water. According to the Sports and Fitness Industry Association, in 2016, there are around 6 Mn active scuba divers worldwide, wherein there are between 3.0 to 3.5 Mn active scuba divers in the US.

Reasons for Covering Scuba Gloves Market Title

Rise in the trend of scuba diving, expanding new technologies, growing interest consumer’s interest for sports activities, and consumers are purchasing their wetsuits rather than wearing rental one are the factors influencing the growth of the scuba gloves market in the near future. Additionally, the growing demand for certified dive professionals, increasing the average age of scuba diving, and expanding dive-tourism industry is some other factors fueling the growth of the scuba gloves market during the forecast period. However, as many divers are certified every year, there is increasing pressure on the marine environment. Also, increase in pollution from boat traffic, rising earth temperature leads to melting ice caps and rising sea levels owing to which the sea water is getting more acidic are the main factors which may hamper the scuba diving industry and directly affect the growth of scuba gloves market in the near future.

Global Scuba Gloves: Market Segmentation

On the basis of closure type, the global scuba gloves market has been segmented as – Full Wrist Strap, No Wrist Strap, Velcro Closure, Zippered Wrist; On the basis of size, the global scuba gloves market has been segmented as – Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, Extra Extra Large; On the basis of thickness, the global scuba gloves market has been segmented as – 1 Millimeter, 2 Millimeter, 3 Millimeter, 5 Millimeter, 6 Millimeter And Above; On the basis of gender, the global scuba gloves market has been segmented as – Male, Female

Global Scuba Gloves Market: Key Players

Some of the key players operating in the global scuba gloves market are Aqua Lung International, Baresports Company, UTD International, Inc., Waterproof USA, Henderson Aquatics, Inc., AKONA, and others.

Rapidly growing in the number of scuba diving certifications worldwide, an increase in demand for scuba diving equipment’s which is attributed to increase in demand for scuba gloves are some of the leading factors driving the growth of the global scuba gloves market. Moreover, steady growth in the sports industry and companies are adopting aggressive marketing strategies such as campaigns to encourage young population for water sports activities is expected to grow the scuba gloves market during the forecast period.

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Opportunities for Global Scuba Gloves Market Participants

Over the last few years, there has been a rise in potential customers for scuba diving in terms of age group. For instance, nowadays many retirees becoming certified scuba divers as they have the time as well as money to enjoy the sports activities is the main factor due to which scuba gloves market revenue is expected to grow at a rapid growth rate, over the forecast period. Moreover, tourism is one of the fastest growing industry in the world which will encourage diver to visit the world’s most beautiful coral reefs is the primary factor accelerating the growth of the scuba gloves market.