Innovations & Future Opportunities in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology

Radio frequency identification (RFID) has made remarkable progress since it was generated. With a huge potential, today, RFID technology has become one of the most blooming technology with numerous applications. When RFID technology is mixed with printing technology, new and better opportunities are created. While printing an entire RFID chip and antenna has become possible …

Know How Facebook is Turning Tables for Businesses

There is no doubt in the fact that Facebook is one of the most popularly used social media platforms, which makes it a must have when it comes to running businesses. Having tremendous potential for growth, Facebook allows businesses to spread like wild fire amongst the billion Facebook users worldwide. So how is this social …

‘Digital Humans’ to Redefine Virtual Assistance

The intervention of technology in traditional processes has given rise to several new innovations and changes being made in the way businesses operate. The digital world is often seen challenging companies to cope with the requirements of enhanced technologies. With technologies like virtual assistance, chatbots, and online query resolving systems, businesses are trying to increase …