Quicker Announces 95% Revenue Growth in Business for FY17-18

We are living in an era of instability and risks. Greater transparency, new technologies and globalization have been combined for upending business environment, thereby offering deep sense of uneasiness to many CEOs and other company officials. Quicker recently announced regarding the successful business hike in its operations by 95% that was found out after consolidating its revenues and the hike rose to Rs.173.49Cr in FY17-18. Rahul Tewari, CEO of Quicker stated that the 95% revenue growth is attributed towards its higher margins as well as low-cost of customer acquisition. He further added that synergies and cross-selling opportunities between its verticals would further enable in amplifying their business expansion and growth.

Forward Looking Statements

Quicker continued its progress momentum in initial two quarters of present fiscal and moreover is expecting the revenues to double up by Rs.350Cr with annualized run-rate for fourth quarter being in Rs.500Cr range. CEO and founder of Quicker, Pranay Chulet had mentioned that they will be verticalizing their business by providing the customers with total transactions in large categories, which in turn helps them in unlocking true potential of their business. Quicker is also looking forward to receive more than 30Million unique users every month. It has operations across various businesses that is inclusive of services, jobs, homes, education, cars and C2C.

Strategies Adopted By Quicker

Quicker has adopted a notable strategy of functioning online-to-offline transferable models over its broader classified base that has been displaying positive outcomes so far. The company has been taking immense efforts in delivering end-to-end transfers to its customers across several regions in its verticals, which is inclusive of home services, beauty, electronics and furniture, cars and bikes as well as co-living.

Quicker will continue to operate AtHomeDiva and Commonfloor as self-regulating brands across the global market, whereas other acquired firms such as beauty businesses and Grabhouse have been incorporated in Quicker businesses. These acquisitions have provided the company with stringer outcomes by merging acquired companies’ models with wide-ranging demand and supply base. The investors of Quicker are inclusive of Omidyar Network, Steadview Capital, NGP Capital, Norwest Venture Partners, Norwest Venture Partners, Warburg Pincus, Kinnevik and Tiger Global Management.

Leveraging with existing capabilities and assets for experimenting with the business models leads to notable growth in business. Growing number of economic activities occurring beyond the corporate boundaries by means of peer production, value ecosystems, value nets, offshoring and outsourcing leads to significant development of strategies across the globe by dynamic business systems.

Google Announces Dynamic Feature for Google Maps

Google would soon roll out a facility on Maps, which would be highly beneficial for users to connect with the business profiles in nearby locations. This basically offers an opportunity for asking questions while exploring places to go for shopping and things to do. Last year, Google has enabled users across various regions to message businesses utilizing Google’s ‘Business Profiles’, thereby allowing them in sending messages to the businesses by eliminating the need for phone calls. However, now that this new feature has rolled out on Google Maps as well, users across several other countries will be able to connect with businesses for the first time.

Google Maps More Than Navigational Tool with Significant Use of Data from Previous Years

Google Maps has turned out to be more than just a navigational tool with integration of several features that makes it equivalent to other popular social platforms. With the emergence of new messaging feature in Google Maps, it has come a step closer towards transforming into complete social media platform. The messaging feature of Google Maps is taken up as an expansion of real-time business of Google towards customer messaging service that is debuted in several regions the earlier year. Now, along with traffic information, the map also indicates busy times at the shopping centers as well as movie theaters depending on traffic data from previous years.

Google My Business App Installation to Hold Remarkable Future for Business World

The messages with the businesses that we connect will be visible by means of ‘Business Profiles’ in side menu. The facility is made available within the app – Google Maps, on both iOS and Android devices. In order to let the feature work as intended, local businesses could install Google’s My Business app, thereby enabling messages.

My Business app has been regarded as a free tool, which is supremely beneficial for small business owners in reaching out people online as well as connecting with customers through Google. This in turn enhances growth of ventures like Facebook “Pages”. Product Manager of Maps, Google, Aditya Tendulkar had mentioned that as long as local businesses have enabled messages, users can connect with the businesses in just one tap. The ‘message’ button is the only thing to look for on Google Search and Maps’ ‘Business Profiles’.

Any business that plans to be a part of this new feature user, must install verification system of “My Business” by Google along with its related applications for sending and receiving messages. The same application has been advanced as Adweek notes, by turning it one-stop shop for the small businesses for upgrading their data, in order to enable Google chat with their clients. In Google My Business app, users can access the Post button for adding photos and posts to their ‘Business Profiles’. The advanced version of Google My Business app enables the business to remain in contact with their customers on the go and in real-time.

Forward Looking Pointers

Google is expecting such lucrative information to benefit users in avoiding traffic as well as lines for saving time. Lately, Google Maps have been updated with quick search for restaurants, estimated time of arrivals on trips and exploring business areas. Google has come up with “Follow” button in Maps for customers to track businesses on the basis of events and news along with others. With advancements in Maps, competition with Facebook is expected to increase at a significant pace as Google is turning out to be a popular platform for the businesses. The notable part here is that this newly advanced Google Maps also helps in listing businesses before launch as well as shows their opening dates.

DeepMind’s Plan to Transfer Entire Data to Google Sparks Renewed Concerns

In 2016, AI lab DeepMind of Alphabet in London had created a historical past with its AlphaGo software program defeating Go creation. Recently, the company mentioned regarding handing off a comparatively less complex software program problem. This is basically regarding a healthcare app benefitting the hospital employees that is known as Streams and is examined by the UK hospitals. That mission along with its employees will be transferred to Google, Sister Company of DeepMind. The recent announcement resulted in an outcry from the private researchers along with authorized constraints based on the transfer, thereby illustrating challenges that Google has been facing with increasing data-usage working model in an extra delicate business of healthcare.

Development of Streams

Google has appointed David Feinberg, veteran healthcare government, who has led Pennsylvania well-being system Geisinger for unifying its scattered well-being initiatives. A spokesperson from DeepMind has mentioned that transfer of Streams to Google would not lead to any changes in mission’s stringent controls on knowledge use, which stays below management of its related hospitals.

Google had acquired DeepMind for nearly $650 million. The following year, the company turned out to be a part of Alphabet, and thereby began its operations with Royal Free hospital, which is in North London. The mission was to minimize death rates from the acute kidney damage cases. The project blended around the app known as Streams, which alerts the staffs in cases when patients show up early signs of condition and rapidly earned regulatory scrutiny.

The project’s data-sharing contract offers DeepMind with full-fledged access and 5years of extended health records for approximately 1.6Million individuals. Despite the magnificent support of healthcare organizations and regulators for shaping healthcare plans by Google, there are possibilities that real oversights wouldn’t be exercised by DeepMind. Sickening and aging populations in UK and US are significantly driving healthcare systems for working with the tech firms, in order to reduce costs, but the left the ill-equipped for monitoring data usage. Furthermore, data and medical authorities also seem out of depth. On a general perspective basis, current ethical and regulatory standards are not effective for digital health world.

Legal Complications Surrounding Streams

Several legal complications have been surrounding the planned adsorption of Google with regards to Streams, resulting in tech companies being unable to roll out their own data-centric strategies without hindrance. Google has been facing restrictions with accessing clinical data than online activities. In Europe and US, healthcare data are subjected to exclusive protections. Under the data protection law of UK, DeepMind doesn’t hold any control on the clinical data that are crunched by Streams but its partners are. Federal HIPAA law in US prevents organizations functioning with healthcare data from randomly adapting it to innovative and new purposes.

Amazon Developing Healthcare Delivery Company with Strategic Collaboration

Google is not the only tech company that is data-centric with increasing health care goals. Amazon has been taking immense efforts in collaborating with JP Morgan and Berkshire Hathaway for developing a healthcare delivery company. Slow digitization of the healthcare facility has reached a level where the tech industry data experts can substantially improve efficiency and diagnosis.

Notable Moves by Google

Google has recently taken up projects with regards to AI software for diagnosing eye disease across India, thereby launching a mobile software that helps in health-tracking. This in turn would benefit in competing with HealthKit of Apple for iPhones. DeepMind has put up a point that the data would not be connected to any Google services or accounts or even for any commercial purposes such as insurance or advertising.

New Technology Links Chronic Inflammation Issues with Higher Risk of Disease and Reduced Lifespan

Researchers from leading biotech company Nightingale Health have successfully studied a new genetic marker (GlycA) for chronic inflammation, with their proprietary blood testing technology and have linked the marker to the risk of reduction in lifespan and some organ related diseases. Aiming towards separating fact from fiction, researchers have been increasingly immersing themselves in efforts to clarify links between disease and inflammation.

With growing emphasis on chronic inflammation in the field of health and wellness, on its role in physical and mental health issues ranging from heart disease to anxiety, researchers have also been increasingly focusing their attention between inflammation and organ related diseases. Towards this end, Nightingale’s blood testing technology which can accurately measure glycoprotein acetyls or GlycA is found to be a stable marker to be used for accurate diagnosis.

What is Glycoprotein Acetyls (GlycA)?

Glycoprotein acetyls, also known as GlycA is a newly discovered biomarker based on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance. It provides healthcare professionals indications with regards to inflammation by displaying the number of n-acetyl groups that can be found in glycoproteins within the body.

If high levels of glycoprotein acetyls are found in a healthy body, it can strongly indicate a highly active response to the immune system towards issues such as a strong bacterial infection. In cases where low grade, chronic inflammation can be observed, glycoprotein acetyls could mark the increased risk of a host of diseases that might affect the internal organs. This makes it a crucial fixture in the field of public research on health in the coming years.

GlycA has been found to be a highly useful marker for preventive measures and timely treatments for chronic inflammation related health issues, and also in the early identification of high risk patients from other relatively healthy counterparts, particularly for life threatening health issues such as diabetes-mellitus type 2 or cardiovascular disease.

Glycoprotein acetyls can also be associated with a broad range of incident diseases and it can be used to find the accurate level of risk of reduced lifespan in patients who have gone through an angiography process.

GlycA to Act as Major Factor in Disease Predictions

In a recent study which sought to find out if GlycA can be used effectively to predict the risk of diseases among general population, scientists measured GlycA levels in the blood of 11,861 Finnish subjects in conjunction with their electronic health records. The results revealed that increased levels of GlycA could be linked to major organ related diseases including chronic renal failure, heart disease, and alcoholic liver disease. In regards to identifying risk of reduced life expectancy, the results also showed that measuring GlycA raised the chances of identifying patients who were at the risk of cardio-vascular disease related mortality by as much as five times.

Dr. Peter Wurtz, the Scientific Director at Nightingale Health stated that GlycA has been found to have significant potential to predict the onset of several diseases as a marker for chronic inflammation in a large number of studies, each with thousands of human subjects. The findings from the latest research from Nightingale Healthcare will provide great importance to the analysis of more than 500,000 samples GlycA in national UK bio-bank and other clinical applications worldwide, which is anticipated to provide a greater understanding about these genetic links.

Traditional blood tests measure very limited markers including cholesterol and glucose, while Nightingale’s blood test procedure does a whole lot more by analyzing 220 bio markers, thereby enhancing the capabilities of predicting the risk of diseases more accurately.

Business Entities across the UK Display Alarm as Brexit Deal Seems to Fall Apart Following Resignations

Prominent business leaders around the United Kingdom have expressed growing alarm as the draft Brexit agreement, which was largely touted as the only chance to preserve stability in trading between the UK and the EU threated to fall apart following the resignations of Brexit minister Dominic Raab and pensions minister Esther McVey along with other junior ministers.

The resignations came within just 12 hours of Prime Minster Theresa May announcing that her cabinet had agreed to the terms set in the draft. The development once again set stage for Britain leaving the European Union without a deal before March 2020, sending the value of the British Pound and stock prices in the region plunging. The pound went down by 1.8 per cent against the US dollar during the early evening trading, and has a good chance of going down even further.

Why a Deal with the European Union is Important for Business

Germany-based automobile manufacturer stated that it still hoped that all parties involved would work towards a final agreement to maintain a frictionless trade framework on which numerous international production networks are based. However, with the uncertainty in the political environment, the company preparing itself for a no-deal Brexit, which it considers as a worst-case scenario.

A deal is on immense importance to the UK, owing to the fact that the European Union is their biggest trading partner, which cumulatively accounts for 53% of imports and 44% of exports. A failure to achieve a deal with the EU could disrupt efficient supply chains that have been used by the defense, automotive, and aerospace industries among others for the past 45 years.

Calling Theresa May’s government as ‘the most disastrous’, business leaders are concerned that a no-deal Brexit would cause great difficulty to large scale industries, by increasing costs and complexities arising from red tape thereby affecting the regional markets adversely in a significant way.

Business Leaders Found Theresa May’s Deal to be Favorable

Industry leaders and representatives from Diageo, Royal Mail and the London Stock Exchange who had been briefed about the draft agreement by ministers, had largely shown a positive response calling the deal ‘the best chance of a compromise’ to make the transition period secure and avoid chaos.

Executive chairman of Cicero, the public affairs firm representing top financial firms in the UK stated that although most business executives did not like Theresa May’s deal, most have come to terms that it is the only viable option at present.

The sudden spate of resignations has put a number of businesses in the state of horror, as it is extremely difficult to negotiate another deal in the time left, leaving a feeling of instability in the atmosphere.

Even as a number of senior politicians called on Theresa May to quit, Jurgen Maier the UK chief of Seimens emailed his statement: We hope all sides keep calm, look at the facts, and move to support this draft to provide UK business with greater certainty.

The Next Step for the Brexit Deal

Across the board, legislators have looked down at May’s deal, feeling that the result would make Britain subject to EU rules, with hardly any say, including the alignment of Northern Ireland with the EU to avoid the formation of a hard border.

While senior executives are still holding out hope that the deal goes through before the end of the year, others were looking at other options on the table including an extension of the negotiation period, a national election, or a second referendum.

Clearly, the current situation is weakening confidence in the country and reinforcing uncertainty in the market. A clear resolution is the need of the hour.

Qatar’s WISH Tackles ‘Human-Centered’ Healthcare Redesign

Nearly 2,000 innovators, government officials and healthcare professionals form over 100 regions had gathered for discussing about the medical innovation across the areas including mental health, viral disease as well as human-centered restructures of the global healthcare systems. The gathering had taken place on 13th and 14th November 1028 as part of WISH (World Innovation Summit for Health) 2018. WISH is a part of Qatar Foundation’s undertaking for fostering “evidence-based” practices and ideas in medical field.

 Plans Griped Up In the Session

Panellists during the group discussion had developed plans for griping up innovative ways for restructuring the healthcare systems and most importantly relations between patients and healthcare providers. This approach consequently helps in redefining relationship between patients, doctors and healthcare institutions as well for creating healthy human-concentrated services with the patients as applicants and co-managing their health issues.

The panellists discussed about the modern healthcare systems where the patients are not given the choice for treating their illness themselves and doctors are framed as playing an “all-knowing” role. However, the new healthcare structure would approach patients as individuals and not revenue streams.

Many companies such as Prescribe are focusing on healthcare structuring and are of the point of view that countries such as Middle East & Africa shouldn’t be adopting Western medical systems. Stacy Chang, Dell Medical School’s designing executive director at Austin University of Texas had mentioned that socioeconomic status of the patients should enable them to gain better information be eliminating the need for physicians, which in turn would lower treatment costs as well.

Panellists further outlined regarding Viral Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B, which is a prominent global health threat today that is affecting millions of people on an annual basis to be successfully eliminated by 2030.

 Restraints in the Path to Achieving Threat-Free Diseases Phase

Some barriers that are a pain in the path towards catering the aim of eliminating life-threatening diseases is mainly lack of political commitments and limited financial resources. Introducing fake drugs is another major drawback that is leading to mass failure of treatments on a larger basis.

Detection of Fake Drugs by Global Good

Bill Gates Foundation’s sister organization, Global Good outlined regarding its technical innovations and advancements that would be highly beneficial for addressing health requirements of the patients, mainly in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The organization also displayed a handheld spectrometer device that is utilized in analyzing and detecting counterfeit medicine pills.

Increasing number of substandard and fake drugs have been killing thousands of individuals across the globe, which in turn also leads to rapid increase in the spreading of epidemic diseases in the poor regions. Executive vice president of Global Good, Maurizio Vecchione had mentioned that his organization has been functioning as a transitional means, which facilitates health laboratories and technologies to the priority regions such as Asia, Ethiopia, Uganda and Nigeria.

 Process: A pill is kept on the top of machine and within few seconds it indicates whether the medicine is fake or original, depending on the data that is stored in the connected mobile phone. Vecchione further mentioned that Global Good has been able to increase its local businesses as well as jobs in many regions with its high-tech healthcare services.

Speakers in Doha, Qatar were inclusive of several high-profile dignitaries such as Michael Phelps, American gold medalist swimmer who had discusses on the mental health issues, Muna al-Hussein, HRH Princess and former Ireland president, Mary Robinson.

Person-centered care is expected to take a toll in the healthcare industry as the new approach of “what matters to you?” from “what is the matter?” would help in gaining significant patient attraction. This in turn benefits in firming up the relationship between healthcare providers and patients, thereby offering satisfactory and appealing treatment.

Canadian Businesses Welcome Tax Breaks by Trudeau Government with Open Arms

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently spent C$14 Billion on tax relief for the country’s businesses. The fiscal update that was revealed showed capital investment write-offs that are implemented on a temporary basis, alongside a promise to push export markets, create direct cash sources for businesses, and cut down on red tape.

Businesses Claim They are Pleased But Not Fully Satisfied

The tax breaks were announced as a move to counter the increasing competitiveness in comparison to the United States, after President Trump cut corporate taxes in the USA earlier this year. Businesses across Canada showed their support towards this mini-budget development, while maintaining that the government still had a lot of work to do.

The business sector sent out calls to the Trudeau government to work more extensively on tax reforms, reduce the country’s fiscal deficit, streamline business rules and regulations, and resolve the oil price crisis currently plaguing the province of Alberta.

Alberta’s oil price crisis is gaining importance owing to its impact on the entire country, as Alberta loses millions of dollars in the form of royalty arising from extremely large discounts on locally produced heavy crude, in comparison to benchmark prices of the United States.

Tax Breaks to Be Beneficial for All States Including Alberta Claims Government

Perrin Beatty, President of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce said that while the Canadian government has done quite a bit for accelerated write-offs for capital investments, there is room for more to be done. The measures will result in investments in the manufacturing sector that can be completely written off, and the marginal tax rates will be reduced to strongly compete with that of the United States, thereby helping businesses in all sectors including oil and gas in Alberta.

On the other hand, the national fiscal deficit has now grown to C$83.5 in the past five years, and is estimated to grow to a massive C$765 Billion by 2024.

The tax breaks are largely considered as a good step to strengthen businesses in Canada at least on a temporary basis, along with the tentative agreement of continental trade that has been made with Mexico and the United States. Senior economist Brian De Pratto has cautioned that while the government’s response to market competitiveness will be a useful funding initiative, it is a little worrying that the government has decided to spend most or all of its fiscal gains

Tata Capital Hopes to Secure 200 Million Dollars with the Tata Capital Healthcare Fund II

Fund aims to raise capital from the overseas and domestic market

Tata Capital has unveiled the Tata Capital Healthcare Fund II, its second healthcare fund, with which the company hopes to raise a massive funding of $200 Million from overseas and domestic investors. According to reports, Tata company officials stated that the fund theme revolves around the healthcare and life sciences sector in India and aims at domestic competency and consumption.

According to one of the fund partners at Tata Capital Healthcare Fund, the company’s primary focus will center on growth fund investment with a ticket size of nearly 12 to 15 million dollars. The fund potentially targets 10 to 12 investments in segments that include diagnostics, medical devices API, and pharmaceuticals.

Fund partners express faith in the fund’s potential

Visalakshi Chandramouli, a fund partner at Tata Capital Healthcare Fund expressed her confidence over the potential of the fund in making a gross Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of not less than 20 to 25 percent. The Tata Capital Healthcare Fund I, the first healthcare fund by the company introduced in the year 2010 and closed in 2012, had Assets Under Management (AUM) valuing $70 Million. The average ticket size of the first healthcare fund valued at $8 Million. With this initial healthcare fund, the company invested in a total of nine companies. Four out of these nine companies made profitable exits, where Tata Capital now aims at exiting the fifth along with the sixth in the coming six months. Chandramouli said that Tata Capital was able to offer greater returns on the capital invested by investors, and yet still hold the other five investments that they target closing in a few years. She further illustrated that the first healthcare fund is continually tracking a gross IRR of 33 percent on the realized investment.

The investment strategy of the first healthcare fund aimed at two themes including domestic competency and consumption. The fund focused on firms generating a significant cash flow from the domestic market, under the domestic consumption theme and the domestic competency theme; tracking the key benefits of firms in terms of technology or manufacturing.

Healthcare funds creating opportunities for greater returns

Such healthcare funds are changing the face of the healthcare sector and are bringing in more capital for business and product offering improvements. With such funds, companies will not just be able to invest in new domains for business growth but also gain increasing profits

Cutting-edge PoCEID Technology to Benefit Newborn Babies in Africa

Margaret Kenyatta, the First Lady of Kenya was recently accompanied by Isaura Nyus, her Mozambican counterpart for commissioning the PoCEID (Point of Care Early Infant Diagnosis) technology at JOOTRH (Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital) in Kisumu. Soon after commissioning the new facility, the Kenyan First Lady introduced the National Point of Care Technologies Roadmap. Under this mission, millions of newly born babies throughout the region would be able to obtain access to the new HIV testing technology named PoCEID.

According to sources, immense efforts have been taken by the NASCOP (National Aids and STI control Programme) and Ministry of Health as they have adopted the new PoCEID technology for HIV testing purposes. PoCEID is expected to offer immediate results that will help healthcare professionals administer life-saving antiretroviral treatment to newborn babies exposed to HIV virus.

Demand for PoCEID Technology over PCR Method

PoCEID technology is basically replacing PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) testing utilized for detecting antigens in blood and the results under PCR testing technique come out only after 4-10 days. According to Dr. Peter Okoth, Chief Executive Officer of JOOTRH, PCR technology irregularly falsifies results for newborn babies soon after picking antigens of the mother. Yet, till date, HIV testing has been done for newborn babies under PCR technology at KEMRI laboratories, located at Kisian, 15kms away from JOOTRH.

Launch of Second Medical Safari of Beyond Zero

The Kenyan First Lady and her Mozambican counterpart were in Kisumu for launching the second Medical Safari of Beyond Zero, which is a new model for healthcare delivery. In this model, medical service providers gather together for offering specified services to the public at their designated locations. Medical Safari is a three-day camp, which is held at Jomo Kenyatta Sports Ground. Unveiling of Kisumu County eMTCT (Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission) and the National POCEID roadmap was done at the venue. The eMTCT framework helps fast track collective action for addressing challenges of AIDS and HIV in the region, where disease prevalence has been indicated as nearing 8.7%.

Development of such medical camps and innovative technologies would benefit in bringing healthcare services and providers closer to women as well as their families, in order to cater to the crucial health challenges that they experience. These free-of-charge medical camps also help in guaranteeing safe delivery along with immunization of babies and registration of kids experiencing disabilities. These efforts are expected to gear up towards significant contribution in Universal Health Care in the long run.

Guidelines on the Use of Instant Messaging Apps in Healthcare Issued by UK’s National Health Service

The United Kingdom’s state run National Health Service has issued updates on the guidelines for their staff on the usage of instant messaging apps and programs by certified clinicians that are to be followed in settings for acute care, to maintain established privacy policies in regards to patient data.

With the NHS recognizing the need for instant messaging software, especially in emergency situations which require quick response, making them an essential aspect of the NHS tools, matching compliance with confidentiality regulations is seeing increasing importance.

Controversial Findings in CommonTime Report Set Off NHS Move

The guidelines were put forth by the NHS following the release of findings in a CommonTime healthcare report on the subject, which found that a vast number NHS staff rely greatly on apps including iMessage, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. Also, a number of trusts associated to the National Health Service did not have any policies about the use of messaging apps including WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. The report also stated that more than 95% of practicing clinicians used these messaging apps to receive and transmit potentially confidential patient data without any security measures in place.

In response to the findings of the CommonTime report, the NHS has set up guidelines to help healthcare practitioners within the UK to determine whether an instant messaging app is appropriate to use for healthcare purposes. These steps aim to protect healthcare practitioners from regulatory investigations regarding the safeguards on patient confidentiality.

Andrew Miles, who is a consultant general surgeon and a Royal College of Surgeons Council Member, stated that: “Patient safety is enhanced when NHS staff can quickly communicate confidential patient information between teams, such as by instant messaging.”

Patient Data Confidentiality Policies to Structure Guidelines

Some of the things that clinicians need to check in an app are end-user verification, pre-set standards of encryption, and password protection among others. In addition, the app needs to have capabilities for remote data wipes and auto deletion of messages after pre-set times, in cases of theft or loss of device.

The guidelines also include a number of specific standards for the use of apps, including the transmission to information to the right person or group and the regular review of group membership, to eliminate chances of miscommunication from similar names in address books.

NHS staff also has to keep notifications from popping up on a locked screen, not share access of the mobile device, while keeping clinical records separately, and deleted messages after the transcription process is complete. Staff must remember that conversations held on instant messaging platforms can be subject to requests under the Freedom of Information Act.

In addition to this, the guidelines state that instant messaging apps being used by healthcare practitioners cannot be permitted to connect with social media or photo libraries of the user’s device. Two-factor authentication is also pushed to be mandatory for such apps. The use of third party instant messaging apps is to be permitted only if the healthcare organization does not provide an appropriate alternative for use. At present, more than 50% do not offer any suitable alternative.

The guidelines are strong on emphasizing that they are not endorsing any particular instant messaging app service, but that the focus is on what clinicians must keep in mind when looking to use instant messaging apps on mobiles.

These measures are anticipated to protect healthcare organizations associated with the NHS from threats such as the WannaCry attack of 2017, which resulted in the loss of 10,000 records of patients registered in the NHS at the time.