ePharmacy Market Forecasts a Staggering Valuation of US$ 351.9 Billion by 2033

The global ePharmacy market share is expected to have risen at a 14.3% compound annual growth rate from US$ 81.5 billion in 2022 to US$ 351.9 billion by the end of 2033. The demand for mail-order medications is rising as e-commerce and internet usage gain traction. Around the world, a great deal of online pharmacies …

ePharmacy Market Poised to Reach a Projected Valuation of US$ 351.9 Billion by 2033-FMI Projection

The global ePharmacy market sales is expected to have risen at a 14.3% compound annual growth rate from US$ 81.5 billion in 2022 to US$ 351.9 billion by the end of 2033. As e-commerce and internet use become more common, there is an increase in demand for mail-order pharmaceuticals. A large number of online pharmacies …

ePharmacy Market is projected valuation of US$ 351.9 billion by the end of 2033-FMI Study

By the end of 2033, the worldwide ePharmacy market is projected to have grown from US$ 81.5 billion in 2022 to US$ 351.9 billion, a 14.3% compound annual growth rate. As e-commerce and internet use become more common, there is an increase in demand for mail-order pharmaceuticals. A large number of online pharmacies are referred …