Electric Acupuncture used to stimulate acupoints by means of pulsating electrical current. Electric acupuncture devices are specialized therapeutics devices in which acupuncture needle where inserted into the specific point and electric charge are applied to treatment wide variety of indications. Electric acupuncture devices are used for pain management in disease conditions of Wei syndrome, Bi syndrome, intestine, urinary bladder, stomach, gall bladders & uterus and injuries of the muscle, joints, and ligaments. There is a different kind of waves used for counteracting pain through electric acupuncture devices. They include dense waves, sparse waves, and dense sparse waves, intermittent and serrated waves. The selection of waves for electric acupuncture devices mainly depends on disease conditions. Dense waves are used to produce a continuous frequency of 50 to 100 pulsations per second and they are used to treat vessel and muscle spasms. Sparse waves are used to produce low frequencies waves and have a longer therapeutic effect than other waves. Dense-sparse waves are used in the treatment of acute injuries like muscle weakness, sciatic pain, sprained ankle, nerve pain, joint inflammation and Bell’s palsy. Intermittent wave is used in the treatment of muscle weakness and paralysis. Serrating waves are very stable and used to produce frequencies of 20 to 25 times per minute. They are known to adjust vascular function, increase nerve-muscle activity and increasing circulation.
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Electric Acupuncture Devices Market: Drivers and Restraints
Electric acupuncture devices are conventional treatment technique with a wide range of treatment applications. It is most effective treatment with fewer to no side effects when compared to drug therapies. Electric acupuncture has proven to relieve the pain, promote the blood flow and remove stasis. Recent studies indicated that it also effective to improve the gut health particularly in-case of chronic constipation. It also found that electric acupuncture devices improved the hypothalamic functional connectivity and help in mesenchymal stem cell release into the bloodstream. When compared to other treatment options, electric acupuncture is less invasive and cost-effective. It also supported by the rapid advancement of technologies, which enabled electric acupuncture devices with real-time control of pulsating electric frequencies. All these factors boosted the burgeoning growth of electric acupuncture devices.
Due to lack of substantial data for the benefit of electric acupuncture devices, the adoption rate of devices are affected and it restrained the growth of the market.
Electric Acupuncture Devices Market: Market Overview
Global Electric Acupuncture Devices market has witnessed a robust growth due to increasing demand for devices. They are cost effective and improve the disease condition with limited side effects. Electric Acupuncture Devices market has a presence of a few players which have a huge market share in developed countries operating at the country level. There are huge opportunities for the untapped markets across the world due to potential benefits of Electric Acupuncture Devices. The key players in the Electric Acupuncture Devices market are mainly focused on R&D to accelerate the development due to a limited number of manufactures. The future of Electric Acupuncture Devices market anticipated with double CAGR during forecasting period.
Electric Acupuncture Devices Market: Region-Wise Overview
Global Electric Acupuncture Devices market is segmented into the following regions – North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific Excluding China & Japan, China, Japan and the Middle East & Africa. North America is dominant in the global Electric Acupuncture Devices market mainly due to the high penetration. In North America, particularly the USA is dominating due to high adoption among end users. Economic conditions in the APAC region are set to drive the Electric Acupuncture Devices market to new heights. Europe and APAC Electric Acupuncture Devices markets are fastest growing regions due to increasing awareness. Growth in the Middle East and African region is considerably less when compared to the other regions. However, North America would maintain its position in the Electric Acupuncture Devices market, though, we are anticipating developed economies such as Australia to have the highest growth rate in Electric Acupuncture Devices market.
Electric Acupuncture Devices Market: Key Participants
The key participants in the Electric Acupuncture Devices market mainly include Cymatics, Haifu Medical Technology Co., Ltd., and others. Companies are mainly focused on R&D to strengthen product development.
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