Qualcomm Stocks Face Selloffs as the US Chipmaker Heads for Legal Battle in FTC Case

It’s been two years since United States Federal Trade Commission sued the multinational chipmaker for misusing its patents to create a monopoly in the market. Qualcomm reciprocated by launching separate lawsuits against Apple Inc. in Germany and the United States. Although the suit by FTC was filed two years ago, the hearing is going to take place from January 4, 2019. Apple has accused Qualcomm of misusing its strength in smartphone component market and forcing Apple to pay irrational and exaggerated licensing fees.

The central issue with the FTC case is Qualcomm’s licensing fees for patented technology which enables multiple data streams to be simultaneously used for same set of radio frequencies. The innovation is not disputed by any of the opponents which is actually a standard in the industry. The dispute is centered in the way by which Qualcomm gets paid. The company charges a percentage of the total selling price of each and every phone sold, which is irrational according to opponents who argue that the fees be set as a percentage of the price of the component that uses its technology rather than the complete product. If this is accepted, Qualcomm’s revenue through licensing fees will drop to one by tenth of its current collection, raising concerns about the company’s current business model.

Qualcomm is arguing that without its technology, any smartphone would be reduced to a regular phone without the internet. Qualcomm doesn’t give licenses to its rivals such as Intel and MediaTek Inc. Qualcomm believes that they don’t need licenses as it gets paid by smartphone manufacturers and has never sued them in the past. FTC alleges that Qualcomm’s refusal to issue licenses to Intel and MediaTek is a part of wider strategy to monopolize the market. As a result, companies like Apple are increasingly depending on Intel for its chips. 

Samsung, the world’s largest chipmaker, along with Intel has supported the FTC and has accused Qualcomm of indulging in monopolistic practices to maintain market dominance at the cost of competitiveness in the entire industry. FTC and Apple issue has caused a hurried selloff in Qualcomm’s stock, shaking share market confidence on the Qualcomm’s capacity to charge fees for its patents. Broadcom Ltd, a global semiconductor giant, in February this year had reportedly offered $117 billion to Qualcomm as part of an acquisition deal, the bid turned hostile after FTC issue, only to be thwarted by US government on the grounds of national security.

Breakthrough Research Suggests Existing Breast Cancer Drugs could be Used to Treat Certain Types of Lung Cancers

 Breast cancer drugs can also be used to treat certain targeted therapy resistant lung cancers, according to a new study. The study, conducted on mice, found that the mutations in the gene EGFR were responsible for certain lung tumors in mice. When protein p110a was blocked by drugs, the tumor shrank in size.

P110a blocking drugs are currently undergoing clinical trials against certain types of breast cancers, showing potential for use in other therapeutic areas.The findings can help EGFR mutant lung cancer patients who are undergoing treatment. Presently, the EGFR mutant lung cancer patients are treated with certain targeted therapies but unfortunately the tumors have shown a tendency to become drug resistant after initial years of therapy.

When the first line of therapy is over, it is usually followed by chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is non-targeted, and the potential side effects have created challenges. Chemotherapy has not been very effective and medical fraternity is on a lookout for a viable alternative. Researchers are now exploring the possibility whether p110a inhibitor drugs can be used for a second line of therapy in place of chemotherapy.

The team of researchers led by Dr. Julian Downward of the Francis Crick Institute and Institute of Cancer Research in United Kingdomare studying the interaction between the p110a and RAS protein. Mutation in the RAS gene is the cause of one fifth of all cancers. The unfettered growth caused by this gene is the focal point of this study.

The post intervention results of the study are quite stunning. Before the treatment, two thirds of the lung space was occupied by the tumor. When the interaction between p110a protein and RAS gene was blocked, it shrank to one tenth of the lung space.

Very few side effects were noticed in the drug trails. The trials were conducted only on mice, a rare genetic technique not possibly viable for treatment on human subjects was used. Even though Dr. Julian sees great future in blocking this pathway, he clarifies that the research is still in preliminary stages and many years away from the clinic.

Nestlé to Launch its Green Burger and Purple Milk Soon

The Swiss transnational food and drink company, Nestle, is gearing up to launch its new vegan burger. The company is going to release an organic plant based patty, Incredible Burger, under the brand name Garden Gourmet. The meat-free burger will be another addition in Nestlé’s dairy free food and beverage series of products. Other products include purple milk which is made from blueberries and walnuts, and blue latte featuring spirulina algae rich in antioxidants and minerals.

The meat free burger will be made from wheat protein and soya. New research is pouring in the food business about the cost effective and low risk interventions that lower Hba1c, Body Mass Index and cholesterol levels, as a result, the new generation of consumers are looking to avoid animal protein. Cholesterol free food startups are booming, and there have been notable acquisitions in the news. Unilever recently acquired meat and plant based Dutch startup The Vegetarian Butcher. Leonardo Di Caprio and Bill Gates backed startup Beyond Meat which makes plant based beef patties, has gained much popularity and influence.  With the vegan burger Nestle has played its cards wisely against its rivals.

Nestlé’s original product line-ups focused on meat products like ham and Hearta sausages; However recent trends showing customer disinclination towards animal products has led Nestle to reorient its strategy in favor of meat free Vegan products.

Nestlé’s ambitions to gain footing in Vegan market is not new. In 2017, Nestle acquired vegan and vegetarian food company Sweet Earth, this year it acquired a majority stake in Latin American organic plant based food company Terrafertil. Nestle is in the process of integrating its existing brands for vegan consumers like Haagen-Dazs’s non-dairy ice-cream. Protein packed vegan coffee smoothies were launched recently under its Nescafe brand name.  Half of the protein that nestle uses comprises of plant sources, reported The Edge.

Garden Gourmet, is the brand name under which the Incredible Burger will be launched, has earlier made meat free renditions of cheeseburgers, sausages, bratwurst, nuggets and schnitzel. The popular and the healthy choice has lost its antagonistic relationship as health consciousness and plant based movement gains traction worldwide. Consumers equipped with information are moving towards conscious choices. Revolution is on its way in the vegetarian category, and companies are taking the challenge of healthy food without a compromise with taste head on.

Costa Rica, A Leader in Curbing Global Carbon Emissions, is Aiming High in E-mobility

Costa Rica, the Central American republic known for its ecotourism, is now turning its attention to electric mobility. It is a nation which prides at being the only country where 98 % of the electricity need is met by clean and renewable energy.  The country currently has only 600 electric cars as compared to 1.4 million private vehicles owned by Costa Ricans. Although a miniscule number, Costa Rica’s electric institute director, Bernal Munoz, insists that even 600 cars is a positive growth as the number has doubled since 2017. University of Costa Rica estimates that there would be 40,000 electric vehicles in the country in next five years.

Costa Rican architect and city planner, Claudia Dobles, who also happens to be the First Lady of the Republic is in charge of the urban renovation mission which includes transport modernization. The government is on a mission to convert Costa Rica into a role model for decarbonized economy and electronic transport will play a key role in this model. One of the first decisions of President Carlos Alvarado after assuming officewas to kick start a program on making Costa Rica a decarbonized economy.

The government has since introduced tax exemptions for electric vehicles. Transport companies are looking to introduce electric buses but the government has currently chosen to focus only on electric cars. 40 recharging stations network are in plansto be started throughout the country, with 8 recharging stations to be launched every year from 2019. Other Latin American countries are following suit with Paraguay inaugurating its Project ‘Green Mile’ which includes electric rapid-charging stations for over 600 miles of road.

The government’s initiative has been welcomed positively by various sections of the society. Roberto Quiros, a resident of the country, said after replacinghis two vehicles with electric cars, his petrol bill of $233 reduced to only $50. Ecologically, as well as economically, the shift to e-mobility is a win-win deal.


The e-mobility project has certainly added a new feather in the cap for the country’s ecological paradise reputation. Costa Rica is one of the few countries that has pursued decarbonization despite not receiving much support from global leaders. It has managed to successfully fulfill targets as negotiated in the Paris Climate Deal. The country is in talks with UN to host annual UN Climate Talks due in 2019, where the country plans to showcase the decarbonization Plan to the world at the summit.

 [RP1]This looks abrupt and out of context. That’s why I have deleted it.

Key Developments in the Automotive Wiring Harness Landscape

Automotive wiring harness is an assembly of data circuits and wires that are compactly bundled together, which are used in the integration of several electronic components. The automotive wiring harness functions as a central nervous system of a vehicle. It helps in transmitting power to distinct automotive modules. Considered as one of the main components in an automotive, the automotive wiring harness is responsible for handling the complete current flow across all the automotive components. Furthermore, apart from facilitating the basic functionalities of the automotive, the automotive wiring harness also ensures safety. Furthermore, quality assurance plays a vital role in the production of the automotive wiring harness, owing to which, major companies are increasingly focusing on this vital aspect.

Automotive Wiring Harness Landscape to Witness Production Expansion

With its increasing significance in the automotive sector, the automotive wiring harness providers are finding the need to expand their production operations, to multiply the automotive wiring harness production. Leading players are working towards matching the demand for the automotive wiring harness. For instance, Furukawa Automotive Systems, a member of the Furukawa Electric Group, has been awarded two orders for automotive wiring harness for global vehicles, primary focusing on the North American market. Owing to this, the company would increase the automotive wiring harness production capacity in the Philippines. The total investment in this expansion project is about ten billion yen.

Acquisition Strategies to Flourish Automotive Wiring Harness Engineering

Companies across the globe are recognizing the potential associated with the ever-increasing success reflected by the automotive industry. With the increasing demand for automotive, the need for effective automotive components has also witnessed a substantial rise. Electric giants are looking forward to harvesting the potential in automotive wiring harness engineering. For instance, a leading industrial manufacturing company, Siemens, recently announced that it has acquired the Munich-based software developer for electrical systems design and wiring harness engineering, COMSA Computer und Software GmbH. The combination of the technology and team of COMSA with the Mentor Business, a part of Siemens PLM Software, will add the design data analytics capabilities and key harness engineering to Siemens products.

The automotive wiring harness market research report is published by Future Market Insights, which covers more such developments witnessed in the market. The automotive wiring harness market research also provides a detailed evaluation of every market segment that enables the readers to gain an in-depth understanding of every aspect of automotive wiring harness ecosystem. The key developments witnessed in the market and the significant strategies implemented by the prominent market players, included in the report help the emerging automotive wiring harness provider in effective decision making.

To obtain major insights and findings of the automotive wiring harness market, click here.

Key Manufacturers of Automotive Pumps to Launch Fuel-Efficient Products

Automotive pumps are primarily used for the transfer of automotive fluids such as oil and fuel in the vehicles. They are being used significantly to improve the overall performance of the vehicle and enhance its fuel efficiency. Furthermore, the increasing demand for sustainable solutions has been propelling automotive component manufacturers to develop high-performance automotive pumps that could cater to the changing demands. Automotive pumps find their application in various automotive systems including coolants, fuel, steering, windshield, and others. Prominent market players are aimed at addressing the requirements of the automotive sector with the help of different types of automotive pumps.

New Electric Coolant Pump Technology by Concentric AB

There is a substantial shift witnessed amongst the consumers from mechanical automotive pumps to electric automotive pumps, owing to the various features and benefits over the mechanical type. Owing to this, companies are eyeing on the profit-gaining opportunities associated with the electric automotive pumps.

For instance, Concentric Ab, a leading provider of automotive pumps has received an order for the production of electric coolant pumps for an upcoming range of electric vehicles. The order was granted by a globally recognized truck and bus OEM. This is the third nominated application of the company’s electric pump technology. The electric coolant pump by Concentric AB offers power savings for the vehicle system with the help of its speed control capability and variable pressure.

New Products Boosting the Demand for Automotive Pumps

New product development has been a major profit gaining strategy for companies providing automotive components such as automotive pumps. With the changing dynamics of the market along with demand transformations, companies offer new products to the market. For example, a leading player in the automotive pumps market and a manufacturer of fuel pumps, TI Automotive, launched its new high-performance fuel system products, consisting of a family of high performance fuel tanks that are designed to support 600 plus HP applications. Moreover, the new pumps are ideal for forced induction applications such as turbocharged and supercharged and are one of the highest flowing pumps on the market.

Similar significant data regarding the automotive pumps market is compiled in the well-scrutinized research report on the automotive pumps market, presented by Future Market Insights. The detailed segmentation analysis and well-evaluated regional insights enable the reader to obtain key information related to the automotive pumps market. Moreover, the significant factors influencing the market, the key developments carried out by the automotive pumps market players, and the major strategies implemented by them, act as a crucial read.

Want to gain more information pertaining to the automotive pumps market? Click here.

Food Manufacturers to Leverage Health Benefits Associated with Acai Berry

Grown on the acai palm trees in rainforests of Central and South America, the acai berry is packed with several health benefits. The consumers are becoming aware of these health benefits particularly for its use in the production of organic cosmetics. The attributes of acai berry that help promote healthier skin with elasticity and youthfulness, are gradually garnering the attention of consumers. Moreover, acai berry aids in skin regeneration, thereby promoting its application across the globe.

Apart from cosmetics, the acai berry finds its significance even in the food sector. Acai berry is packed with antioxidants and is rich in vitamins, making it a crucial fruit for boosting the cell protection system of the body. Acai berry is considered a superfruit owing to its properties including energy-boosting, detoxifying, skin-clearing, and cholesterol supporting attributes.

Food Industry Reaping the Benefits of Acai Berry

The food industry has undergone major transformations with respect to the ingredients demanded by consumers to the growing emphasis given to aesthetics in foods. Moreover, the healthy-eating trend has brought various developments to the food industry. On account of this, consumers are shifting towards healthier foods and preparations, acai bowls being one of them. The ever-growing acai bowls trend in the food industry has offered several opportunities for companies engaging in acai bowls. For instance, The Good Berry Acai Bowls, a US-based health food restaurant has opened a new facility in Midtown, CA, where they would serve their traditional acai bowls.

Bolstering Antioxidant Research with New Funding

Given the various health benefits of acai berry, numerous research activities are carried out to understand the antioxidant capabilities of the fruit. With such activities, the acai berry market is expected to witness a burgeoning demand, as the research would further uncover its extensive attributes.

For instance, the vitamins and nutritional supplements retailer, Vitamin World, unveiled that acai berry, amongst all fruits, ranks highest in terms of oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) values, that measures the antioxidant capacities in biological samples. Recognizing the significance of acai berry and its natural antioxidant features, Vitamin World has collaborated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) for taking the antioxidant research to the next level.

The acai berry market research report presented by Future Market Insights provides a holistic overview of the application of acai berry across application sectors such as food and beverage, nutraceuticals, cosmetics and personal care, and others. The extensive evaluation of each market segment allows the reader to understand the market with respect to all the types and applications. Moreover, the regional assessment included in the report offers an estimated analysis of the most lucrative and opportunistic geographical segments of the acai berry market.

To know more about the strategies implemented by prominent players of the acai berry market, click here.

New Product Launches to Drive Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Adoption

Companies Develop Remote Therapy Monitoring Program

KCI, an Acelity Firm, global leader in the advanced wound management along with Highmark Inc., a nationwide spread healthcare insurance provider, have taken immense efforts in developing iOn PROGRESS™ Remote Therapy Monitoring Program. This new development is based on a performance-based agreement that aims in improving the overall patient experience, thereby lowering the costs by means of increased adherence and engagement. Utilized in combination with ACTIV.A.C. ™ Therapy System, the new product comprises of three important components such as adherence, engagement and monitoring.

The agreement is taken up as the first initiative for the NPWT (Negative Pressure Wound Therapy), thereby creating performance-based payment structures for reducing total wound-care costs. The collaboration is resultant of diligent evaluation procedure by Highmark Inc., for understanding how iOn PROGRESS™ Remote Therapy Monitoring Program is impacting its end-users, thereby improving quality and lowering total care costs. The unique development enables in engaging patients as well as their caregivers in better assisting them with healing process that results in improved therapy adherence along with reduced cost and most of all, better outcomes.

Lately, KCI had reached a milestone of nearly 10,000 patients utilizing the program, which in turn offered the clinicians with an overall insight on the patient’s experience using negative pressure wound therapy by means of interactive booth experience and poster presentation.

Tracking Pumps to Advance With DeRoyal

DeRoyal, healthcare technology company lately introduced a solution for the hospitals engaging its platform – Continuum UHF RFID, for benefitting the tracking pumps that are broadly used for NPWT. This system leverages the RFID technology that is built in cabinets and tags along with GPS technology. Moreover, the system also integrates satellite and cellular connections built in pump units for identifying their locations in real-time. The new solution allows the pumps to be utilized at hospitals and in travelling with patients soon after discharge along with billing process completed by the insurance companies. Earlier in 2018, this solution was released commercially to other hospitals as well.

ConvaTec Group Receives US FDA Clearance for Avelle

ConvaTec Group, a British medical technology firm lately obtained 510(k) clearance from US FDA for its Avelle NPWT system, thereby paving lucrative ways for the firm’s entry in the US NPWT market. The innovative Avelle NPWT system is widely utilized on wounds ranging from low-to-moderate, which is inclusive of surgically closed incisions, skin grafts, dehisced and sub-acute wounds, traumatic, acute and chronic wounds. The disposable device integrates NPWT with advantages of the Hydrofiber Technology, which in turn makes the pump usable for 30days. This technology helps in creating a moist wound environment, benefitting the healing process. Most of all, Avelle NPWT system offers unification of the innovative wound-care technologies, which is easy-to-use, portable and lightweight, thereby providing patients with better mobility and enables in fast-relief as well.

A recent study by Future Market Insights on negative pressure wound therapy market indicates, surging number of chronic and acute wound conditions attributed towards rising burn incidences is expected to push demand sales of negative pressure wound therapy in the forthcoming years.

To gain more insights on negative pressure wound therapy market, click here.

Technological Innovations to Transform Breast Pumps Landscape

Pentagon Spends Nearly $1,400 in Electric Breast Pump

Pentagon has spent approximately $1,400 in electric breast pump, which goes for nearly $192 in stores. On a broader aspect, DHA (Defense Health Agency) overpaid around $16.2Million for the standard electric breast pump as well as replacement parts offered to the beneficiaries in former West, South and North Tricare regions. Congress initially ordered Tricare for offering free standard electric breast pumps to mother’s as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. Along with prescription of the physician, every mother would be receiving new breast pump as well as supplies such as breast pump bottles and tubing, per ‘birth event’. Tricare is planning to revamp its coverage policy for including fixed reimbursement rates throughout the system. DHA is taking immense efforts in allowing beneficiaries for continuing holding access over out-of-the-network providers as well as retail environments for purchase purposes at reasonable cost controls.

Freemie and Willow: Future of the Electric Breast Pump

New and smart breast pump has been designed for making it easier for mothers for expressing milk as well as making breastfeeding comparatively comfortable. The Freemie Liberty and Willow electronic breast pump are both hands-free and can easily fit in a bra cup.

Willow breast pump: This product is officially launched in US. This pair of wearable breast pump easily fit in the bra, collecting the breast milk in spill-proof and disposable bag, thereby fitting in the cup. No external tubes and cords are available, rather has smarter capabilities, which is the electric breast pump consists of Willow iOS app. This app can enable in linking with the iPhone for tracking the end-user’s on-going session. The app precisely describes regarding the expressed milk volume as well as the time spent in pumping, which in turn helps in comparing with the previously obtained session data.

Freemie Liberty Breast Pump: With regards to flexibility of usage, Freemie Liberty breast pump witnesses growing demand in US. Freemie Liberty collects breast milk in moulded cup, which is likely to be placed around pump unit that is usable to fit in the bra as well. The main drawback of Freemie Liberty is that it is not completely tube free. However, this exclusive hands-free product is highly compact and is easy to handle. Wide-ranging suction and speeds settings is made available along with main facility of sleep timer.

Another notable point here is, these smart breast pump are mainly ‘hospital grade’. Manufacturers of Willow breast pump are taking immense efforts in developing collecting bags, in order to cater to the emerging demand of mothers. Willow and Freemie are expected to be liberating future of the electric breast pump, by offering mothers with convenient and affordable breast pumps.

A recent study by Future Market Insights on breast pump market indicates, growing demand for cost-effective treatment with regards to breastfeeding is likely to offer growth opportunities for manufacturers in breast pump market.

For further insights on breast pump market, click here.

Blended Avocado Oil Market: Increasing Application in Aromatherapy Triggers Market Growth

As avocado oil is rich in vitamin A, D, and E, it helps to rejuvenate hair and skin health effectively. Subsequently, blended avocado oil is commonly used in aromatherapy as a carrier oil, which is mainly triggering the growth of the blended avocado oil market. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils before applying to the skin and plant-based oils such as blended avocado oil act as the best carrier oils in aromatherapy. Being rich in fatty acids and vitamins, demand for blended avocado oil has remained high, acting as a primary growth driver for the blended avocado oil market. This is also causing an upsurge in demand for blended avocado oil as a carrier oil in aromatherapy applications and spa industry, which is impacting the growth prospects of the blended avocado oil market.

A large number of market players in the spa industry use blended avocado oil for improving the effectiveness of massage and nourishing skin & hair, which is boosting the expansion of the blended avocado oil market. Due to the high viscosity of blended avocado oil, it takes longer to dry on the skin and acts as an excellent carrier oil for massages, spa, and aromatherapies. This provide a boost for the expansion of the blended avocado oil market. Avocado oil is often blended with almond oil and olive oil to make it free-flowing, which finds versatile applications in the personal care industry. Leading manufacturers in the blended avocado oil market are promoting numerous health benefits of this heavy, nutrient-rich oil to enhance sales opportunities across industries.

As blended avocado oil is deeply penetrating, nourishing, and moisturizing, most spa centers make use of blended avocado oil, and this is contributing greatly to the growth of the blended avocado oil market. As blended avocado oil remains a favorite choice for aromatherapy among various therapists and masseurs, market players in the blended avocado oil market are aiming to capture lucrative opportunities in the spa industry and cosmetics industry. Growing application of blended avocado oil as a carrier essential oil owing to its numerous health benefits is likely to complement the development of the blended avocado oil market in the foreseeable future.

Blended Avocado Oil Market: Greater Health Benefits of Blended Avocado Oil over those of Coconut Oil Accelerate Market Growth

Consumers are becoming more and more health-conscious, which is causing a change in their dietary habits. The blended avocado oil market is witnessing positive growth with the increasing awareness about the health benefits of consuming avocado oil blended with other healthy cooking oils. Blended avocado oil complements the health benefits of other oils such as olive oil and flax-seed oil. Its increasing demand among consumers is mainly attributed to the health benefits of blended avocado oil over those of coconut oil. Owing to its excellent nutritional qualities along with its positive effects on skin and hair health, the demand for blended avocado oil remains higher than its popular alternative – coconut oil. Increasing inclination towards blended avocado oil is expected to make a positive impact on the growth of the blended avocado oil market in the upcoming years.

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