Ingredient Innovations Drive the Development of Powdered Soft Drink Products

Often made from fruit concentrates and food additives such as stabilizers, preservatives, sweeteners, and emulsifiers, powdered soft drinks are gaining traction owing to increasing awareness among consumers about the health benefits that may be derived from such products. Moreover, powdered drinks provide a highly convenient method of preparation, while also giving producers additional benefits in the logistics of storage and transportation.

Longer shelf life arising from the removal of moisture, and ease of preparation are key factors that are driving consumers to adopt such drinks owing to hectic and tiring personal schedules. The inclusion of low-calorie formulations and all-natural sweeteners are encouraging health savvy consumers to adopt powdered forms of soft drinks, without having to compromise on taste and texture.

E-Commerce Provides Profitable Opportunity to Boost Sales

Owing to the ever increasing number of e-commerce businesses around the globe, powdered soft drink vendors have a great opportunity to enhance the profitability of their business to consumer and business to business operations.

The constant rise of internet users has encouraged e-commerce platforms towards pushing consumers to make on the spot purchases, and impulsive buys on a retail platform. For example, the rate of internet penetration in the United States has currently gone over 90%, which coupled with a huge number of online consumers can be expected to increase the sales of powdered soft drinks through this medium.

Moreover, with the extensive proliferation of the internet, the marketing efforts of manufacturers has undergone a massive change, from traditional processes. Manufacturers are now making use of websites to conduct effective event sponsorships, and awareness campaigns on education and nutrition. For example, KJS India and Horlicks are operating online events that boost awareness about the nutritional quality of their products, while offering educational video tutorials on different subjects at the same time.

Improvements in Packaging Gain Importance among Producers

 The quality and functionality of a products packaging is usually considered to be crucial aspect of the powdered soft drink brand, as they are essential in generating interest about the product in the consumer. Increasing concerns over the environment have pushed manufacturers to increasingly adopt eco-friendly materials, for packaging in different sizes and configurations.

Multi-layer packaging materials are gaining popularity as they display better efficiency in maintaining the flavor, texture and color of the powdered content, and the prevention of contamination through air or moisture. Manufacturers are emphasizing on expanding the range of package sizes to suit consumer demographics in different geographic locations.

For example, BlenderPak a food and beverage packaging manufacturer has developed an innovative pouch packaging for powdered soft drinks, that makes use of a unique mesh mechanism within the pouch that aids in breaking up the clumps of powder that form once water is added to the mixture, assuring a more uniform flavor and texture for the drink.

Natural Additives Find Application in Powdered Soft Drink Formulations

Researchers from the University of Georgia have found that a mixture of de-fatted flour of peanuts can be used to effectively improve on the formulations of protein shakes and meal-replacement drinks, owing to its non-stick and free-flowing nature, allowing powdered soft drink manufacturers to create instant drink mixes.

Moreover, the increasing preference for healthier beverage options among consumers is creating a buzz around powdered juice mixes. There is a growing interest in such formulations that have added nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, which provide end-users with healthy beverages at a cost effective price points.

Furthermore, the growing trend of developing drinks for gym and fitness savvy consumers is creating a specialized demand for new beverage formats including gel and powdered mixes, which is expected to power the powdered energy and nutrition drinks in the market for the foreseeable future.

To know more? Download sample copy of this report.

High Costs Related to Dental Care Lead to Development of Alternative Services

Development of dental care plans help in encouraging the patients for developing restorative and preventive dental care routine, which in turn offers long-term positive impacts on the oral health. The growth and development of dental services market are mainly contributed towards increasing number of private dental clinics, rapidly surging case regarding dental caries as well as economic gains for the dental practitioners.

Innovative Dental Care Plans Offering Security to Unrivaled Pricing of Dental Services

Dallas-based Jefferson Dental Care recently launched an innovative dental service that offers the members with nearly 60% off dental services along with free x-rays and exams. The all-new dental service, Sonrisa Dental Savings Plan is an in-house service that enables uninsured families for paying one annual membership fee, in order to secure unrivaled pricing on the emergency, cosmetic and general orthodontic and dental services. For a sizeable chunk of American population who lack in dental coverage, cost is one of the main deterrent with regards to preventive dental care. The introduction of exclusive dental service plan helps Jefferson Dental Care and its partner, The Smile Center, in elevating its position in the dental services market with significant focus on accessibility, affordability and quality.

Cost Factor Turning Heads towards Alternative Options in Dental Services

Unaffordable price tags and lack of access to insurance are keeping patients away from dental services. According to Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, Canadians spend over $11Billion per year on the dental services, however more than 5Million people annually stay away from dentists owing to their high costs. In order to cater to the high costs regarding dental services, patients are striving towards making dental visits more affordable by making frequent visits, by contacting the dentists offering lower costs in the neighborhoods. Patients also look for alternative treatment plans with dentists along with negotiating on lower prices.

Apart from this, individuals with limited means are inclined towards teaching clinics, in order to make facilities available for relieving persistent pain. Access to care remains as a growing challenge with cost of dentistry increasing and wages remaining stable. Development of clinic rooms with the availability of latest dental equipment.

Hong Kong’s Elderly Population Experience Limited Access to Dental Care Owing to Narrow Government Policies

Hong Kong is witnessing increasing number of dentists, yet the dental services are plagued by limited access and long waiting for the elderly due to narrow government policies. Lawmakers are expressing concerns over accessibility of dental services to elderly in the state. According to the latest scenario, Hong Kong’s public dental services are focusing on provisions regarding emergency procedures and special oral care services benefitting inpatients as well as the ones suffering fro special oral healthcare needs. Seniors are also allowed to utilize the scheme of Elderly Health Care Voucher in order to avail private dental services.

New American Policy to Eliminate Irreversible Harm to Patients

Lately, an all-new policy from ADA (American Dental Association) strongly discourages DTC (direct-to-the-consumer) dental services based on laboratory, mainly due to the high potential regarding irreversible injury to the patients. The all-new policy expands on the DIY Straightening policy for including sale of the partial dentures, mouth guards, veneers, snoring appliances, teeth whitening trays as well as DTC orthodontic services. The dental laboratory helps in manufacturing devices and prosthetics, based on the prescription of dentists.

Launch of New Clinic in the Windsor Downtown Mission Wellness Centre

The Downtown Mission of Windsor is taking immense initiative in launching a clinic that offers affordable dental services to the residents in Essex County. Even though the new clinic would be open for everyone, people might need to fill out financial surveys, especially the ones with no dental coverage together with those that have expended their dental coverage or have less benefits are likely to find the clinic more beneficial. The dental fee guide would be available at a much discounted rate depending on the patient’s income, mainly to offer individuals experiencing homelessness as well as have lesser income due to which they lack access to dental services.

To gain further information on developments and innovations in dental services market, readers can click here.

Manufacturers to Focus on Optimizing Layer Structure of Cellulose Film Packaging

Cellulose film packaging is likely to replace the present plastic barrier film sector as the material is gaining significant traction amongst the packaging applications such as stand-up pouches and snack bags for the dry foods such as nuts and cereals. Cellulose film packaging is also expected to gain prominence as flexible packaging benefitting the air-sensitive products such as moist food, liquids, tiny pieces of cheese, biscuits as well as chocolate. The transparent and flexible lightweight material of cellulose film packaging helps in protecting products from humidity and atmospheric gases.

Bio-Based Cellulose Film Packaging for Longer Shelf Life

Finland’s VTT Technical Research Centre is likely to witness its lightweight and compostable cellulose film being commercialized in less than 5years time. The cellulose film packaging materials are highly suitable for greasy and dry products such as raisins, condiments, coffee, cereals and nuts, mainly the products that demand longer shelf-life. The company is of the point of view that the cellulose film packaging materials offered by the company are comparatively better than the existing biodegradable plastics in the global market and most of all, could be produced on the current packaging machinery as well. The company has taken immense efforts in developing bio-based cellulose film packaging with the combination of MMCC (plastic-type cellulose) and HefCel (fibrous cellulose) that performs and looks like plastic but is completely bio-based.

New Flexible Plastic Packaging with Cellulose

Team of researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology recently developed an all-new flexible plastic packaging with new synthetic creation. Tree cellulose is utilized for more sustainable as well as easily recyclable alternative. For developing the innovative packaging, researchers have taken immense efforts in spraying various layers of chitin as well as cellulose, altogether, in order to create a flexible film, which emerges as popular plastic packaging wraps for rivals. The cellulose nanocrystals offer ways to improve usage in the lightweight composites and food packaging, owing to the huge market opportunities for compostable and renewable packaging.

New Cellulose Film Packaging Offers Superior Aroma Retention Properties

Century Pulp & Paper Company recently took a major initiative towards focusing on health and hygiene, with the introduction of it all-new biodegradable cellulose film packaging named, “Natura Wrap”, targeting mainly at the food packaging. Natura Wrap is a cellulose film packaging that helps in ensuring superior aroma retention properties, which in turn preserves freshness as well as safeguards food quality. Most of all, the best feature of the new cellulose film packaging is that it biodegrades completely, thereby making it an extremely eco-friendly product.

Joint Venture to Develop Cellulose Film Packaging Benefiting Organic Cereals

Bio4Pack and Futamura companies recently entered into a partnership for creating compostable packaging, eventually benefitting Dutch organic cereal manufacturer, De Halm. The all-new compostable packaging is expected to be a formation of Tipa film and NatureFlex™. In order to attain innovative compostable materials, NatureFlex™ cellulose films might be used, as they are also certified industrial compostable, based on the European Standard – EN13432. Most of all, NatureFlex™ cellulose films packaging is expected to provide outstanding barrier properties to mineral oils, gases, moisture as well as for De Halm pack that is laminated with Tipa film, in order to attain excellent sealability.

Know What Manufacturers are Currently Working On

Manufacturers in cellulose film packaging market are working towards optimizing layer structure that would help in improving technical properties, thereby reducing amount of the materials used. Optimization of the cellulose film layers is expected to offer excellent packaging properties. In the commercialization period, amount of packaging that is produced is expected to affect price of the materials. The usage of cellulose film packaging materials would be economically feasible, thereby affecting the whole product production. With rapidly increasing demand for good printability and better durability, manufacturers are planning to develop wide-ranging innovative cellulose film packaging solutions.

To gain further insights on the developments and growing applications in cellulose film packaging market, readers can click here.

Residences in Developed Regions to Contribute Significantly towards Sales of Solar Panels

Rapidly increasing solar PV (photovoltaic) installation capacities together with growing demand for the renewable power sources have been significantly contributing towards the overall growth and development of solar panels market. Developed countries such as U.S. are expected to drive demand for solar panels with increasing number of new houses.

Transformation of the U.S. Energy Industry with California’s Residential Solar Panels

California is likely to witness new homes integrating solar panels, which is likely to be a major step towards positioning the state as leader in the clean energy. Solar panels are expected to be a needed feature in California’s new houses, after Building Standards Commission of the state gave final approval for housing rule that is first of a kind in U.S. With increasing number of residential solar panels, big utility companies are expected to witness growing competition, especially the ones who rely on creating big infrastructure for shipping electricity to the consumers. The new standard is likely to take effect in 2020 and moreover includes an exclusion for the houses, which are usually shaded from sun.

Residences in South Australia to Receive Solar Panels Slashing Household Power Bills

Under a recent scheme by Tesla of Elon Musk and SA government for building world’s biggest virtual power plant, thereby slashing the household power bills during the process, residences in SA are likely to witness supply and installation of solar panels and batteries for free. With rapidly increasing number of renewable energy, availability for cheaper power increases for South Australians. The state is planning to utilize people’s homes for generating energy to the South Australian grid along with having the participating households getting benefitted with the substantial savings in the overall energy bills. This huge project is mainly aimed towards connecting thousands of battery and solar panel systems for making one massive and synchronized virtual power plant.

Two New U.S. Data Centers to Be Powered with Solar Panels

Google is likely to purchase output of nearly 1.6Million solar panels for powering two new Southeastern US data center campuses, in northern Alabama and Tennessee. Google is of the point of view that solar power generated by the two new data centers is expected to match with the carbon-free sources in comparison to the status-quo provincial grid mix, which is nearly 48% carbon-free, on an hourly basis.

Australia’s State Government Scheme Offers Half-Priced Solar Panels

State Government of Australia recently announced that they would be installing rooftop solar panels and the households will be required to repay nearly half of the cost in a 4-year period. The exclusive Solar Homes Scheme is mainly aimed at owner-occupied homes that are valued at a price approximately less than $3Million along with combined household income of less than nearly $180,000. This initiative is anticipated to benefit thousands of households in saving upto nearly $890 every year on their power bills.

Researchers Develop All-New Waterproof Material for Coating Solar Panels

Recently researchers from Italy, Switzerland and Qatar have taken immense efforts in developing an innovative and all-new waterproof material for coating solar panels, mainly aimed at enhancing efficiency and stability of the solar cells as well as to tackle problems relate to water-induced degradation. The low-dimensional composite perovskite material holds thin surface layer, which repels water as well as protects against the moisture-induced degradation. The new material meant for solar panels has displayed nearly 20% effectiveness in the conversion of solar power to electricity, thereby maintaining efficiency for approximately 200hours. This high-end performance is mainly attributed towards top-water resistant layer.

In order to attain further insights on developments and innovations in solar panels market, readers can click here.

Towards a Plastic-Free Future with Bamboo Straws

Bamboo straws are witnessing rapid increase in demand owing to its biodegradability and environment friendly nature. With the plastic ban trend, bamboo straws are witnessing a significant demand on account of its 100% natural feature, practicality, durability and are found as a perfect alternative for drinking beverages. With increasing use of bamboo straws, issues regarding single-use plastic straws have been minimized. From an environmental stance, bamboo straws are an incredible natural and organic resource, are naturally antibacterial, creates over 35% oxygen compared to trees and most of all is the only biodegradable and reusable straw available so far.

Handmade Bamboo Straws Make Way from Thailand to the UF International Center

University of Florida Study Abroad Services have begun selling bamboo straws, thereby making the handmade bamboo straws available from Thailand to University of Florida International Center. The center is striving towards promoting on-campus sustainability, thereby eliminating usage of plastic trinkets. Students are also taking immense efforts in avoiding the usage of plastic straws, thereby supporting use of bamboo straws for reducing waste.

Why are People Refraining from Using Bamboo Straws?

The woody taste felt while drinking through colored pencil makes an individual refrain from using bamboo straws. The difficulty faced while cleaning and maintenance of bamboo straws further restricts its usage. The flaking apart of bamboo straws over time, the thin hole that makes it difficult for handling thick liquids such as smoothies are some of the major aspects that refrains people from using bamboo straws. Sustainability is all about creating environment-friendly changes in daily habits with increasing adoption of bamboo straws. In order to cater to the sustainability needs, manufacturers in bamboo straws market are taking immense efforts in developing organic bamboo straws with wider versions, beneficial for thicker drinks such as smoothies.

Beverage Sector to Increase Usage of Bamboo Straws Owing to Its Safety Features

Reusable straws such as bamboo straws are considered as an ideal choice for the sipping of beverages, mainly due to its all-natural feature and most of all, are made by eliminating the usage of dyes, chemicals and pesticides. Bamboos are considered as a rapidly renewable and versatile crop. However, since the bamboo straws consist of natural materials, they are not dishwasher-safe, and therefore require hand-washed process for cleaning and maintenance. Customer demand for bone dry outcome after cleaning is increasing and customers are making sure that they store bamboo stores in a well-ventilated place, in order to prevent mold.

Bamboo Straws Might Witness Reduction in Availability

UK-based Moneypenny Company is constantly focusing on the growing straw concerns at a faster rate. Instead of the plastic straws, the company is offering sustainable bamboo straws and are striving to make it widely available case-by-case. Although bamboo straws are not breakable, they do not even hold up long-term tear and wear. Bamboo straws are naturally made up of bamboo shoots, however, not much precision is witnessed in width and shape to which they would be constructed, thereby making it harder for finding the ideal brush for functioning on them. Due to the chalky texture that they leave inside the mouth, the bamboo straws contribute significantly towards falling short on enjoyment scale, despite of its tropical taste that it could impart to beverages. Reusable straw as well as utensil options such as bamboo steel have been witnessing large upfront costs, thereby lacking interests of small takeout food retailers. Both require sterilizing and cleansing for reuse, which in turn drives usage of detergents and hot water that holds higher possibilities for damaging the bamboo straws. Bamboo harvesting and steel smelting are likely to come up with their own set of environmental issues.

To gain more insights on growing applications and innovations in bamboo straws market, readers can click here.

Emphasis Gained by Drug Development to Foster Pharmaceutical Intermediates Production

The compounds that act as the building blocks used in active pharmaceutical ingredients production, pharmaceutical intermediates are gaining tremendous traction with the growth exhibited by the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. They are produced during the manufacturing process or the process of synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients. The potential held by the pharmaceutical industry has created major opportunities for the manufacturers of pharmaceutical intermediates. The prevalence of diseases and the increasing drug requirements are expected to create major demand for pharmaceutical intermediates over time. Furthermore, the increasing research activities are creating major demand for pharmaceutical intermediates, which are extensively used in the research laboratories and centers.

Key Developments Witnessed in the Pharmaceutical Intermediates Production Space

The pharmaceutical intermediates production space has experienced key developments that foster the manufacturers’ efforts to address the demand growth. While some pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical intermediates providers are expanding their product portfolio, there are several others that are carrying out significant investments for expanding the capabilities of pharmaceutical intermediates manufacturing.

For instance, AGC, formerly known as Asahi Glass, had previously expressed its plan to increase the production capacity of active pharmaceutical ingredients and pharmaceutical intermediates by ten times that of the current production capacity at a production plant in Japan. While it could presently produce drug trials in small quantities, the production plant would now be capable of turning out commercial quantities. The new capacity scheduled to come online in October 2019, would help the company is delivering effective pharmaceutical intermediates and ingredients to the market. Furthermore, the group would continually invest in the capacity in future to meet the rapid growth in demand for pharmaceutical intermediates and active ingredient contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) offerings.

A chemical industry company, Evonik Industries, is also expanding the production of active pharmaceutical ingredient and pharmaceutical intermediates. Backed by a €36 million investment, the company expanded its contract manufacturing capabilities of in lucrative markets such as Europe and the US. The facilities in Europe and the US which have both boosted their assets footprint and further added production capabilities.

Minakem, a CDMO division of a company manufacturing and developing building blocks, pharmaceutical intermediates, and active pharmaceutical ingredients, also expanded its production capability. The company announced that it was in the final qualification run to launch a new closed-controlled environment high containment production facility. According to officials, the new facility plays the role of a significant asset that would help the company strengthen its market position in the production and development of highly potent compounds in a more robust, economical and safe manner.

Such developments in the production space are creating major growth opportunities for the pharmaceutical intermediates manufacturers.

Initiatives Aimed at Simplifying Pharmaceutical Intermediates Supply

The supply landscape of the pharmaceutical intermediates is expected to gain major transformations owing to the increasing demand. The flourishing initiatives are increasingly fostering the supply of pharmaceutical intermediates and ingredients.

For instance, Lonza Pharma & Biotech recently unveiled its initiative of pharmaceutical early-intermediates supply. With this initiative, the chemical production facilities at one of the sites of the company gain a leverage to cater to the increasing global early intermediates supply security concerns. The customers would now be able to benefit from an integrated supply chain from non-GMP (good manufacturing practice) early intermediates to cGMP advanced pharmaceutical intermediates and active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Companies offering pharmaceutical intermediates are implementing significant strategies to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and further strengthen their market presence. Request a sample of the research study to know more about such developments witnessed by the pharmaceutical intermediates market.

Pharmaceutical Companies Focus on Novel Therapeutics for Chemotherapy-Induced Myelosuppression Treatment

Although chemotherapy is amongst the few treatments for cancer, there are numerous side effects associated with therapy. Chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression is one such common complication of cancer treatment that could not only limit dosage but also prove potentially fatal for cancer patients. Chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression is a condition wherein the ability of the bone marrow to produce blood cells is decreased. There have been various attempts to minimize chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression, which have not been very effective. This has triggered the need for innovating and developing more effective chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment. Pharmaceutical companies are working towards bringing new therapeutics that could help in boosting the capabilities in the chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment.

New Investments Aimed at Addressing Chemotherapy-Induced Myelosuppression Treatment Requirements

While cancer reflects growth, the chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression conditions are also expected to come along with the cancer therapeutics, thereby creating need for effective chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment. Investments remain a crucial factor that helps boost the chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment. For instance, a recognized developer of off-the-shelf and universal cell therapies for critical diseases, Nohla Therapeutics closed a Series B financing of about $45 million. The company plans to utilize the proceeds for the completion of the ongoing Phase 2 trials of the dilanubicel, which is a major candidate in chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression and allogeneic transplant. Moreover, these proceedings are intended to be used for the commercial manufacturing and Phase 3 trial needs. It would allow Nohla Therapeutics to contribute their ongoing progress in advancing their product, dilanubicel towards potential regulatory approvals in several regions. Such investments are expected to boost the chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment potential across the globe.

Pharmaceutical Companies Bullish over New Therapeutics

The pharmaceutical companies conduct various trials that help gauge the efficacy of certain drugs for the chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment. With several developments hitting the chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment landscape with respect to the clinical trials, the pharmaceutical companies are gaining major profitability over time.

For instance, Trilaciclib by G1 Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company, is a chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment which appeared to reduce chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression in small cell lung cancer. During the clinical trials, it was witnessed that the cancer patients undergoing first-line therapy for extensive-stage small cell lung cancer could well tolerate trilaciclib. The clinical trial data demonstrated clear evidence that this chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment could help in preserving the immune system function and bone marrow from the side effects of chemotherapy. With positive myelopreservation results gained from two randomized trials, the company plans to request meetings with regulatory agencies of the US and Europe in early 2019 to discuss the factors studies during clinical trials and the potential approval for their treatment.

Adjuvant Therapy for Cancer Management to Gain Popularity

Adjuvant cancer therapies are used to enhance and foster the effect of primary cancer therapies in eliminating or minimizing the burden of cancer on the body, thereby help prevent cancer recurrence and boost survival of patients. Adjuvant therapy is gaining major significance in cancer management. In line with this, there are several new therapies introduced that are further gaining a nod from regulatory bodies, simplifying chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment. For instance, Myelo Therapeutics GmbH, a leading pharmaceutical company that develops innovative therapeutics for chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment and others, was recently granted an Organ Drug Designation from the US FDA for its new chemical offering, Myelo001, designed to treat Acute Radiation Syndrome. Myelo001 is a revolutionary and clinical-stage adjuvant cancer therapy for the radiotherapy- and chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment. With this FDA approval, Myelo Therapeutics is able to open new possibilities in the chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment landscape, with respect to adjuvant therapy.

The ongoing research and development in chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment are expected to trigger new innovations over the years. To know more about the key developments carried out by pharmaceutical companies providing chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression treatment, click here.

Processing Technology Innovations to Drive the Production of Pyrolysis Gasoline (Pygas)

Found as a by-product during the high temperature production of ethylene and propylene, the colorless pygas (pyrolysis gasoline) is a great source of octane and aromatics, which has made it a key additive in modern automobile fuels. Alternatively, pygas may also be separated into its individual components such as xylene, toluene, and benzene. Its relatively higher unit value in comparison to conventional naphta is one of the key drivers that encourages businesses to produce and sell this material.

Manufacturers Invest in Research & Development Initiatives for Innovative Production Techniques

Innovative technologies in production and processing pyrolysis gasoline is anticipated to provide lucrative opportunities to manufacturers, owing to the increased use of octane compounds in motor fuels, and its use as a source for fuel oil products.

For example, GTC Technology LLC of the United States makes use of an innovative 2-step, hydro treating procedure, which allows for improved saturation of styrene, olefins, and di-olefins, through a preheating process of pygas feed stream along with hydrogen, which allows producers to achieve higher flexibility in the cut point of prefractionators, and the potential of polymerization. The process also minimizes the plugging of polymer byproducts and vaporization of hydrocarbons, and simultaneously improves on aspects such as the run length of the reactor, higher stability, resistance to poison, and heat integration, among others.

Shell has also revealed details on its use of CRI catalyst, to build on the reliability of the hydrogenation of pyrolysis gasoline, which is an effective solution to the problems faced while processing highly reactive pygas. Short cycles of reactor activity, increased polymerization, and pressure drops that increase the chances of fouling.  The hydrogenation process optimizes the characteristics of the feed, and the utilization of catalysts and grading, which claims to reach or exceed the production targets, when implemented correctly.

Similarly the SK Corporation patented their process of extracting BTX aromatics and other value-added components through a unique catalytic hydrodealkylation procedure that extracts the components of stabilized pygas through the resultant low ethyl-benzene mixture of BTX, LPG, and fuel gas.

Manufacturers Shifting Pygas Production from Naphtha to Ethane Feedstock

Pygas manufacturers are constantly facing challenges in maintaining their operations despite frequent fluctuations in the price of raw materials that are needed for the pyrolysis gasoline procedure. This is a key factor that is anticipated to restrict the market in the near future. To counter this issue, manufacturers are increasingly adopting alternative raw materials such as ethane to replace the conventional resources of naphtha in their operations.

A recent study by Chem Systems Ltd. found that the extraction of ethane from associated gases is one of the most cost-effective ways of extracting ethylene, and other byproducts. This is anticipated to sustain a steady growth of pygas producers in the near future.

The demand for such blends is anticipated to be influenced by factors such as unusually strict access to oil reserves, increasing production capacities, GDP, and utilization rates among others.

Design Innovations in Steam Crackers to Improve Production Processes

Steam crackers are frequently used equipment in the process of pyrolysis gasoline production, with innovations in design, production of pygas is anticipated to see better prospects in the near future. For example, Kellogg Brown and Root LLC in collaboration with SK Innovation Global Technology has created steam crackers with their Advanced Catalytic Olefins technology that is able to extract higher amounts of ethylene and propylene, by up to 25% , at lower energy consumption.

On a similar note Exxon Mobil patented a steam cracker with a unique fluid solids naphtha cracking process, which is dependent on reactor design, catalyst optimization, and operating conditions that allows adjustment in the selectivity of reactions, which provides manufacturers significant economic benefits in comparison to conventional processes.

To know more? Download sample copy of this report.

Aimed at Firming Up Sales Volume, Cox Automotive to Expand its Business Network

Cox Automotive is all set to reinvigorate its UK network of Manheim auction centers, which will include fewer yet bigger sites to foster the surging sales volume online.

At present, the company owns 16 discrete physical sites, which is anticipated to shrink in terms of number over the next few years in line with the evolution of larger sites offering a wide array of reconditioning as well as logistical hand over services.

As per Martin Forbes, CEO of Cox Automotive told, the count of sites would come down but the overall acreage would scale up as the drive gains momentum online.

The company is vying to expand its business framework to digital lines. This also means that company is definitely penetrating largely into vehicle-service, storage, transport, and de-fleeting services, which will be immensely instrumental to keep the organization future proof and profitable.

The firm has its utmost focus on the market of wholesale business-to-business. The company also sheds light on the big-time realization of the fact that demand in case of physical auction lanes will decelerate and a shift toward online channels will be induced, as conveyed by prospering online sales figures. In this case, the company strives to be keep up with the evolving trends to keep their business footprint strong than ever. 

Highlights by Forbes on which direction the market is heading toward included examples of automakers disposing of new stock and ex-company cars via closed auctions. Many of the prominent OEMs believe that by 2023, around more than half of their wholesale used stock would be sold online and this belief relies on evolving facts and figures indicated by the recent trends.

Though the number of sites will be few, these sites will be extremely beneficial in terms of more acerage and will also provide you enough room for offering satisfactory services at the cost of minimum inconvenience.

The transformation of the auto business i.e. selling cars and trucks is flourishing at a meteoric pace like never before, comes along some new promises in terms of changes as an industry that has been long famed for high cost factor, unsatisfactory services, and so on. Auto manufacturers have landed on the grounds for a fierce competition in terms of driving out cost and rolling out offerings tailored to evolving consumer expectations and specifications. Apart from the online sales channels, some other channels have also gained notable prominence in terms of sales and decision-making.

Governmental Policy Shift Along with Changing Landscape Threatens Chinese Drug maker’s Generic-based Business Model

Chinese drug maker’s stocks plunged by $46 billion in December 2018.  Chinese government is planning a shift in its drug pricing policy by undertaking bulk procurement of drugs as part of its new program. The move is significant as it will bring down prices of drugs as a major step towards universal and cheaper access of drugs to its citizens.

Generic drugs are a class of drugs whose patents have been expired, Chinese domestic pharmaceutical industry relied mostly on manufacturing generic drugs. After serving inflated profit margins to the industry, governmental policy shift has raised concerns about the efficacy of generic drugs profitability in the long run.

The central procurement program of drugs launched by Chinese government buys drugs for a city in bulk, as contracts are placed in competitive bids by pharmaceutical companies the prices of drugs have fallen forcing the fragmented industry into consolidation. This is only the beginning as the government plans to expand the program to all major cities in near future. One such bidding, drove down the price of the drugs by 55% and the other by as much as 90%. This radical shift in governmental policy has forced pharmaceutical companies into introspecting its business model.

According to fresh data gathered by Bloomberg, of the top 100 generic drug makers, Chinese companies with a gross and profit margin of 74% and 18% respectively, outran the global average of 55% and 9.5%.  The oversized profit margins owe their existence to regulatory privileges enjoyed by many. The domestic generic drug makers swiftly acquired government approval for copying drugs, while foreign multinationals had to wait for years to get government’s green signal. This along with the absence of any regulatory quality control gave domestic companies to rapidly expand in the market.  

But now many companies are planning to reverse this overdependence on generic drugs driven business model by investing more on Research and Development. The new landscape will favor companies who have already invested heavily in R&D. The companies with impressive R&D investment are Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine, Yipinhong Pharmaceutical and Chengdu Kanghong Pharmaceuticals with 16%, 8.4% and 8% of R&D investment of their total revenues respectively. Jiangsu Hengrui has 20:80 novel to generic drugs revenue ratio, the company wants invert this by focusing on new research.

Launching any novel drug is a many-year-long process, Chinese pharmaceuticals will find it hard to compete with global giants with vast talent pool and deep pockets. However, experts believe that with generic drugs revenue in shock, the transition to R&D and novel drugs won’t be easy.